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Humanities and Social Sciences (239)
1 Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition
2 Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing
3 Cultural Studies
4 English Language and Literature
5 Game Theory and Economics
6 Communication Skills
7 International Economics
8 Introduction to Logic
9 Population and Society
10 Macro Economics
11 Introduction to Sociology
12 Money and Banking
13 Human Adjustment Processes
14 Selected Topics in Psychology
15 NOC:Elements of Visual Representation
16 Aspects of Western Philosophy
17 Contemporary Literature
18 History of Economic Theory
19 Indian Philosophy
20 Better Spoken English
21 Introduction to Film Studies
22 Introduction to Modern Linguistics
23 Principles & Parameters in Natural Language
24 NOC:Literary Criticism and Literary Theory
25 NOC:Language and Mind
26 NOC:Film Appreciation
27 NOC:Appreciating carnatic music
28 NOC:Infrastructure Economics
29 NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching
30 NOC:Language and Society
31 NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology
32 NOC:Issues in Bioethics
33 NOC:Technical English for Engineers
34 NOC:Health Research Fundamentals
35 Ethics
36 NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup
37 NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture
38 NOC:Psychiatry:An overview
39 NOC:Symbolic Logic
40 NOC:Soft Skill Development
41 NOC:Globalization and Culture
42 NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality
43 NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India
44 NOC:Introduction to Psychology
45 NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind
46 NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation
47 NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centered Design
48 NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance-II
49 NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic
50 NOC:American Literature and Culture
51 NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation
52 NOC:Applied Linguistics
53 NOC:Economics of IPR
54 NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists
55 NOC:Time value of money-Concepts and Calculation
56 NOC:Depreciation, Alternate Investment and Profitability Analysis
57 NOC:Postcolonial Literature
58 NOC:Emotional Intelligence
59 NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists
60 NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality
61 NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology
62 NOC:Ethics
63 NOC:Qualitative Research Methods
64 NOC:The Renaissance and Shakespeare
65 NOC:English Language for Competitive Exams
66 NOC:Speaking Effectively
67 NOC:Literature for Competitive Exams
68 NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives
69 NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes
70 NOC:Gender and Literature
71 NOC:Educational Leadership
72 NOC:Ecology and Society
73 NOC:Visual Perception and Art: A Survey Across the Cultures
74 NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable
75 NOC:Human Resource Development
76 NOC:Soft Skills
77 NOC:Science, Technology and Society
78 NOC:History of English Language & Literature
79 NOC:Sociology of Science
80 NOC:Perspectives on Neurolinguistic
81 NOC:Patent Drafting for Beginners
82 NOC:Business English Communication
83 NOC:Strategic Performance Management
84 NOC:Postmodernism in Literature
85 NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes
86 NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics
87 NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity
88 NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
89 NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought
90 NOC:Consumer Psychology
91 NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory
92 NOC:Development of Sociology in India
93 NOC:Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit
94 NOC:Water, Society and Sustainability
95 NOC:Indian Fiction in English
96 NOC:Introduction to cultural studies
97 NOC:Intellectual Property
98 NOC:Short Fiction in Indian Literature
99 NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama
100 NOC:Introduction to Political Theory
101 NOC:Human Behaviour
102 NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language
103 NOC:Employment Communication A Lab based course
104 NOC:The Nineteenth-Century English Novel
105 NOC:Feminist Writings
106 NOC:Introduction to World Literature
107 NOC:Managing Intellectual Property in Universities
108 NOC:English Literature of the Romantic Period, 1798-1832
109 NOC:Literature, Culture and Media
110 Introduction to Film Studies
111 NOC:Positive Psychology
112 NOC:The Psychology Of Language
113 NOC:Development Research Methods
114 NOC:Population Studies
115 NOC:Psychology of Everyday
116 NOC:Intermediate Level of Spoken Sanskrit
117 NOC:Appreciating Linguistics: A typological approach
118 NOC:Inclusion and Technology Design
119 NOC:Energy Economics And Policy
120 NOC:The Victorian Gothic Short Story
121 NOC:German-II
122 NOC:German-I
123 NOC:Disability Studies: An introduction
124 NOC:Body language: Key to professional Success
125 NOC:Interpersonal Skills
126 NOC:Artistic Exploration in Scientific Research and Technology
127 NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media
128 NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment
129 NOC:Indian Business History
130 NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour
131 NOC:Literary Criticism (From Plato to Leavis)
132 NOC:Twentieth Century Fiction
133 NOC:Modern Indian Writing in Translation
134 NOC:Introduction to Political Ideologies: Contexts, Ideas and Practices
135 NOC:Feminism: Concepts and Theories
136 NOC:Introduction to Environmental Economics
137 NOC:Effective Writing
138 NOC:Strategic Trade and Protectionism - Theories and Empirics
139 NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought
140 NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present
141 NOC:Entrepreneurship and IP strategy
142 NOC:Poetry
143 NOC:The Popular Gothic Novel
144 NOC:Classical Sociological Theory
145 NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture
146 NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being
147 NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview
148 NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research
149 NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics
150 NOC:Literature and Coping Skills
151 NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives
152 NOC:Basics of Language Science
153 NOC:Globalization: Theoretical Perspectives
154 NOC:Towards an Ethical Digital Society: From Theory to Practice
155 NOC:Handling Large Scale Unit Level Data Using STATA
156 NOC:Sociology of Development
157 NOC:Environment and Development
158 NOC:Introduction to Market Structures
159 NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I
160 NOC:Urbanization and Environment
161 NOC:Literary and Cultural Disability Studies: An Exploration
162 NOC:Trauma and Literature
163 NOC:Twentieth Century American Drama
164 NOC:Fundamental Concepts in Sociolinguistics
165 NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar
166 NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction
167 NOC:Advanced Level of Spoken Sanskrit
168 NOC:Education for Sustainable Development
169 NOC:Elements of Literature and Creative Communication
170 NOC:Training and Development
171 NOC:Literature and Life
172 NOC:German - III
173 NOC:Appreciating Hindustani Music
174 NOC:Indian Poetry in English
175 NOC:Exploring Survey Data on Health Care
176 NOC:Contextualizing Gender
177 NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop
178 NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar
179 NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II
180 NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices
181 NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज
182 NOC:Sociology and Resource Management
183 NOC:Urban Sociology
184 NOC:Management of Fixed Income Securities
185 NOC:An Introduction to Indian Literary Theory
186 NOC:Public Speaking
187 NOC:Partition of India in Print Media & Cinema
188 NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I
189 NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective
190 NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics
191 NOC:Petroleum Economics and Management
192 NOC:The Science of Happiness and Wellbeing
193 NOC:Host-Pathogen Interaction (Immunology)
194 NOC:Indian Feminisms: Concepts and Issues
195 NOC:United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
196 NOC:Learning English in Hindi
197 NOC:Narrative Mode and Fiction
198 NOC:Group Dynamics
199 NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II
200 NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change
201 NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices
202 NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics
203 NOC:Environmental Science
204 NOC:Psychology of Learning
205 NOC:Introduction to Language and Linguistics
206 NOC:Social History of Medicine in Colonial India
207 NOC:Indian Society: Sociological Perspectives
208 NOC:Countering Stage Fright
209 NOC:Advance Course in Social Psychology
210 NOC:Performative Gender and Religions in South Asia
211 NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software
212 NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications
213 NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism
214 NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction
215 NOC:Philosophy and Critical Thinking
216 NOC:Human Movement Science
217 NOC:Sports and Performance Nutrition
218 NOC:Sports Psychology
219 NOC:Strength and Conditioning for the Indian Population
220 NOC:Essentials of Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
221 NOC:Introduction to Exercise Physiology and Sports Performance
222 NOC:Fundamentals of Sports Training, Load Management and Recovery
223 NOC:Forensic Linguistics
224 NOC:Online Communication in the Digital Age
225 NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Sustainability
226 NOC:Cognitive Ergonomics
227 NOC:Economics of Health and Education
228 NOC:Engineering Psychology
229 NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner
230 NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II
231 NOC:Sustainable Happiness
232 NOC:Logistics and Supply Chain Management
233 NOC:Tools and Technologies of Language Documentation
234 NOC:Korean-I
235 NOC:Performance Traditions of the Mahabharata in Tamilnadu
236 NOC:Posthumanism: An Introduction
237 NOC:Indian Popular Culture
238 NOC:The English Novel: Interdisciplinary Approaches
239 NOC:Memory