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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 1 - Introduction |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 2 - Transcendental Consciousness |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 3 - Plato's Theory of Mind |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 4 - Parable of Cave : Plato's |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 5 - Aristotle's Concept Mind |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 6 - The Concept of Mind in Upanishadas |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 7 - Dualism - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 8 - Dualism - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 9 - Dualism - III |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 10 - Against Dualism |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 11 - Property Dualism |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 12 - Varieties of Materialism |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 13 - Mind-Body Identity Theory |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 14 - Functionalism |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 15 - Different Models of Cognitive Mind |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 16 - Connectionism and Folk - Psychology |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 17 - Representation - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 18 - Representation - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 19 - Artificial Intelligence - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 20 - Artificial Intelligence - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 21 - Artificial Intelligence - III |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 22 - The Limit of Artificial Intelligence - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 23 - The Limit of Artificial Intelligence - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 24 - Biological Naturalism |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 25 - The Concept of Intentionality |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 26 - The Structure of Consciousness - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 27 - The Structure of Consciousness - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 28 - Phenomenal Consciousness - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 29 - Phenomenal Consciousness - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 30 - Language, Representation & Meaning - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 31 - Language & Meaning - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 32 - Language & Mind |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 33 - Language & World - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 34 - Language & World - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 35 - Emergentism & Supervenience |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 36 - Reduction & Realization - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 37 - Reduction & Realization - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 38 - The Cartesian Mind Revisited |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 39 - Personal Identity - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 40 - Personal Identity - II |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 41 - Creativity : Human Vs Machine - I |
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Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind and Cognition |
Lecture 42 - Creativity : Human Vs Machine - II |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 1 - Overview |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 2 - In Conversation with Richard Schechner |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 3 - Multilingual Plurality: Our Environment - Part I |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 4 - Multilingual Plurality: Our Environment - Part II |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 5 - Interplay of Languages and Forms of Writing - Part I |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 6 - Interplay of Languages and Forms of Writing - Part II |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 7 - Creativity and Cultures |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 8 - Notion of Play and The Three Domain Activities |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 9 - Theory of Enjoyment: Critical Assessment |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 10 - Divergences and Convergences - Part I |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 11 - Divergences and Convergences - Part II |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 12 - Creative and Cultural Spaces for Students |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 13 - Being and Doing: Writing as Performance |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 14 - Writers and Writing: The Dialogic Process |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 15 - Creativity, Writing, Creative Writing: Recent Viewpoints |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 16 - Issues Related to the Teaching of Creative Writing |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 17 - Writers on Writing: Albert Camus |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 18 - Critical Reading of Great Writers: Albert Camus |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 19 - Critical Reading of Important Writers: Margaret Atwood |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 20 - Reading and Writing |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 21 - Indian Writing: Writers/Narrators |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 22 - Contemporary Indian Writers: The Search for Creativity - Part I |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 23 - Contemporary Indian Writers: The Search for Creativity - Part II |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 24 - Mosaic Patterns: Module 2 |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Drama |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 26 - Performance and Script Writing: Mime |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 27 - Western Classical Theory |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 28 - Student Response - I |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 29 - Indian Drama: Classical Theory and Practice |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 30 - Interacting Continuum: Classical, Folk and Modern Drama |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 31 - From The Perspective of Playwriting: Monologue |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 32 - From The Playwright's Perspective - Part I |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 33 - From The Playwright's Perspective - Part II |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 34 - From The Perspective of Playwriting: Anton Chekhov |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 35 - Drama in the Classroom: Experience and Writing |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 36 - Student Response - II |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 37 - Performative Reading of the Cherry Orchard |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 38 - Short Story as a Genre |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 39 - Short Stories by Indian Women Writers |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 40 - Modern Western Short Story |
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Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing |
Lecture 41 - Varieties of Writing Processes |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 1 - Energy Flow Diagram |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 2 - Global Trends in Energy Use |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 3 - Energy Use in India: Some Calculations |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 4 - Energy and Environment |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 5 - The Kaya Identity |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 6 - Emission Factor |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 7 - Energy and Quality of Life |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 8 - Energy Inequality |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 9 - Energy Security |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 10 - Introduction to Country Energy Balance assignment |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 11 - Energy balance of Japan |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 12 - Energy balance of Australia |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 13 - Energy balance of Mexico |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 14 - Energy Economics - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 15 - Energy Economics - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 16 - Energy Economics - Part 3 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 17 - Energy Economics - Tutorial |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 18 - Energy resources - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 19 - Energy resources - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 20 - Renewable Energy Sources - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 21 - Renewable Energy Sources - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 22 - Materials for Energy |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 23 - Non Renewable Resource Economics - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 24 - Non Renewable Resource Economics - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 25 - Non Renewable Resource Economics - Part 3 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 26 - Preferences and Utility |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 27 - Utility and Social Choice - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 28 - Utility and Social Choice - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 29 - Utility and Social Choice - Part 3 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 30 - Utility and Social Choice - Part 4 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 31 - Revision Paper-1 - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 32 - Public and Private Good/Bads |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 33 - Aggregation of Demand Curves |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 34 - Externalities |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 35 - Revision Paper-1 - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 36 - Revision paper-1 - Part 3 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 37 - Energy Project Financing - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 38 - Energy Project Financing - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 39 - Energy Project Financing - Tutorial |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 40 - Input Output Analysis - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 41 - Input Output Analysis - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 42 - Input Output Analysis - Part 3 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 43 - Input Output Analysis - Tutorial |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 44 - Primary Energy Analysis - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 45 - Primary Energy Analysis - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 46 - Net Energy Analysis - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 47 - Net Energy Analysis - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 48 - Net Energy Analysis - Part 3 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 49 - Net Energy Analysis - Part 4 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 50 - Energy Policy - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 51 - Energy Policy - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 52 - Energy Policy Examples - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 53 - Energy Policy Examples - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 54 - Revision Paper-2 - Part 1 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 55 - Revision Paper-2 - Part 2 |
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NOC:Energy Resources, Economics and Environment |
Lecture 56 - Future Energy Systems |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 1 - Aims and objectives of the course |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 2 - Systemic and Textual approaches to study Pāṇinian grammar |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 3 - Pāṇini and his linguistic background |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 4 - Scholars and texts in the Pāṇinian grammatical tradition and their contribution |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 5 - Non-Pāṇinian grammatical traditions |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 6 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 7 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 8 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 9 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 10 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 11 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 12 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 13 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 14 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 15 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 16 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 17 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 18 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 19 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 20 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 21 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 22 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 23 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 24 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 25 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 26 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 27 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 28 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 29 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 30 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 31 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 32 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 33 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 34 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 35 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 36 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 37 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 38 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 39 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 40 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 41 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 42 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 43 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 44 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 45 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 46 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 47 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 48 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 49 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 50 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 51 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 52 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 53 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 54 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 55 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 56 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 57 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 58 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 59 |
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NOC:Introduction to Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 60 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 1 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 2 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 3 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 4 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 5 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 6 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 7 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 8 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 9 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 10 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 11 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 12 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 13 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 14 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 15 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 16 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 17 |
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Lecture 18 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 19 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 20 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 21 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 22 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 23 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 24 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 25 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 26 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 27 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 28 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 29 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 30 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 31 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 32 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 33 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 34 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 35 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 36 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 37 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 38 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 39 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 40 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 41 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 42 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 43 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 44 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 45 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 46 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 47 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 48 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 49 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 50 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 51 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 52 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 53 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 54 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 55 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 56 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 57 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 58 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 59 |
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NOC:Sandhi in Paninian Grammar |
Lecture 60 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to the contents of the course |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 2 - General features of the तत्पुरुष tatpuruṣa compound |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 3 - Basics of the theory of compound formation in Pāṇinian grammar |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 4 - Meaning of the term समास samāsa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 5 - समास samāsa and the process of speech production as described in the Pāṇinian grammar |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 6 - अर्थ artha and introduction to कारक karaka |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 7 - 6 कारकs karakas |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 8 - Introduction to समर्थ samartha |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 9 - Explanation of समर्थ samartha |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 10 - सामर्थ्य sāmarthya |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 11 - एकार्थीभाव ekārthībhāva and its three features |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 12 - असमर्थसमास asamarthasamāsa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 13 - Basic terms and processes of compounding |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 14 - Steps in the process of Compounding |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 15 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 16 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 2 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 17 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 3 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 18 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 4 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 19 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 5 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 20 - General remarks on compounding and historical development of Sanskrit Language |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 21 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-द्वितीयाdvitīyā विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 22 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-तृतीया tṛtīyā विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 23 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-तृतीया tṛtīyā विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa - 2 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 24 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-चतुर्थी caturthī विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 25 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-पञ्चमी pañcamī विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 26 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-सप्तमी saptamī विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 27 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-सप्तमी saptamī विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa - 2 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 28 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-षष्ठी ṣaṣṭhī विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 29 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-षष्ठी ṣaṣṭhī विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa - 2 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 30 - तत्पुरुष समास tatpuruṣa samāsa-षष्ठी ṣaṣṭhī विभक्ति-तत्पुरुष vibhakti-tatpuruṣa - 3 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 31 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 32 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 2, (द्विगु dvigu) |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 33 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 3 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 34 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 4 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 35 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 5 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 36 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 6 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 37 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 7 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 38 - कर्मधारय karmadhāraya - 8 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 39 - एकदेशिसमास ekadeśisamāsa + नञ् तत्पुरुष समास nañ tatpuruṣa samāsa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 40 - प्रादिसमास prādisamāsa + गतिसमास gatisamāsa - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 41 - गतिसमास gatisamāsa - 2 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 42 - गतिसमास gatisamāsa - 3 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 43 - गतिसमास gatisamāsa - 3 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 44 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 45 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 2 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 46 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 3 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 47 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 4 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 48 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 5 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 49 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 6 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 50 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 7 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 51 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 8 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 52 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 9 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 53 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 10 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 54 - उपपदसमास upapadasamāsa - 11 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 55 - समासान्तप्रत्यय samāsāntapratyaya - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 56 - समासान्तप्रत्यय samāsāntapratyaya - I |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 57 - समासान्तप्रत्यय samāsāntapratyaya - II |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 58 - पूर्वपदकार्य pūrvapadakārya |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 59 - स्वरकार्य svarakārya |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar-I |
Lecture 60 - Examples |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to the contents of the course |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 2 - General features of the अव्ययीभाव avyayībhāva, बहुव्रीहि bahuvrīhi |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 3 - Basics of the theory of compound formation in Pāṇinian grammar |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 4 - Meaning of the term समास samāsa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 5 - समास samāsa and the process of speech production as described in the Pāṇinian grammar |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 6 - अर्थ artha and introduction to कारक karaka |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 7 - 6 कारकs karakas |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 8 - Introduction to समर्थ samartha |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 9 - Explanation of समर्थ samartha |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 10 - सामर्थ्य sāmarthya |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 11 - एकार्थीभाव ekārthībhāva and its three features |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 12 - असमर्थसमास asamarthasamāsa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 13 - Basic terms and processes of compounding |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 14 - Steps in the process of Compounding |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 15 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 1 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 16 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 2 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 17 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 3 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 18 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 4 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 19 - Rules of compounding in Pāṇinian grammar - 5 |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 20 - General remarks on compounding and historical development of Sanskrit Language |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 21 - अव्ययीभाव समास avyayībhāva samāsa – Genral information |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 22 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 23 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 24 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 25 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 26 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 27 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 28 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 29 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 30 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 31 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 32 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 33 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 34 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 35 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 36 - अव्ययीभाव समास विधान avyayībhāva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 37 - अव्ययीभाव समास समासान्तप्रत्यय विधान - avyayībhāva samāsa samāsāntapratyaya vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 38 - अव्ययीभाव समास समासान्तप्रत्यय विधान- avyayībhāva samāsa samāsāntapratyaya vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 39 - अव्ययीभाव समास समासान्तप्रत्यय विधान-avyayībhāva samāsa samāsāntapratyaya vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 40 - अव्ययीभाव समास समासान्तप्रत्यय विधान-avyayībhāva samāsa samāsāntapratyaya vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 41 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna- General information |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 42 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 43 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 44 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 45 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 46 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 47 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 48 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 49 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 50 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 51 - बहुव्रीहि समास विधान bahuvrīhi samāsavidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 52 - बहुव्रीहि समासान्तप्रत्यय bahuvrīhi samāsāntapratyaya |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 53 - बहुव्रीहि समासान्तप्रत्यय bahuvrīhi samāsāntapratyaya |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 54 - बहुव्रीहि समासान्तप्रत्यय bahuvrīhi samāsāntapratyaya |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 55 - बहुव्रीहि समासान्त-आदेश bahuvrīhi samāsānta-ādeśa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 56 - बहुव्रीहि समासान्त-आदेश bahuvrīhi samāsānta-ādeśa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 57 - द्वन्द्व समास विधान dvandva samāsa vidhāna |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 58 - द्वन्द्व समास dvandva samāsa समासान्तप्रत्यय samāsāntapratyaya, पदनिर्धारण padanirdhāraṇa |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 59 - द्वन्द्व समास dvandva samāsa एकवद्भाव ekavadbhāva |
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NOC:समास Samāsa in Pāṇinian Grammar - II |
Lecture 60 - द्वन्द्व समासdvandva samāsa एकवद्भाव ekavadbhāva,लिङ्गनिर्धारण liṅganirdhāraṇa, |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to the course |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 2 - Marshall McLuhan : The Medium is the Message |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 3 - Marshall McLuhan : The Gutenberg Galaxy - Part 1 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 4 - Marshall McLuhan : The Gutenberg Galaxy - Part 2 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 5 - Walter Ong: Orality and Literacy - Part 1 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 6 - Walter Ong: Orality and Literacy - Part 2 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 7 - Walter Ong: Orality and Literacy - Part 3 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 8 - Dastangoi : History - Part 1 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 9 - Dastangoi : Chouboli - Part 2 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 10 - Manuscript Culture: Europe |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 11 - Manuscript Culture: India |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 12 - Feudalism to Capitalism |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 13 - Febre and Martin: ‘The Discovery of Printing’ and ‘The Chinese Precedent’ |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 14 - Guteberg and Revolution 15th Century |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 15 - Consequences of Print 16-17 Century |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 16 - John Dryden: [macFlecknoe] |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 17 - Robert Darnton: ‘What is the History of Books?’ |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 18 - Benedict Anderson: ‘The Origins of National Consciousness’ |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 19 - Colonialism |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 20 - Print in Bengal |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 21 - Surveillance and Censorship |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 22 - Rise of the Telugu Novel |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 23 - Publishing in Hindi and Urdu |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 24 - Walter Benjamin: 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 25 - Raymond Williams: 'Television' |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 26 - Jay David Bolter: Seeing and Writing |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 27 - Robert Coover: The End of Books - Part 1 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 28 - Robert Coover: The End of Books - Part 2 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 29 - N. katherine Hayles: Electronic Literature |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 30 - Richard Stallman: The GNU Manifesto |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 31 - Lawrence Lessig: Free Cultures |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 32 - Copyright - Part 1 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 33 - Copyright - Part 2 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 34 - Nicholas Carr: Juggler’s Brain |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 35 - Scott Galloway: Google |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 36 - Zeynep Tufecki: Twitter and Facebook - Part 1 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 37 - Zeynep Tufecki: Twitter and Facebook - Part 2 |
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NOC:Text, Texuality and Digital Media |
Lecture 38 - Conclusion |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Psychology |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Positive Psychology |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 3 - Research Methods |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 4 - Character Strengths and Virtues/Positive Personality Traits - Part 1 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 5 - Character Strengths and Virtues/Positive Personality Traits - Part 2 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 6 - Character Strengths and Virtues/Positive Personality Traits - Part 3 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 7 - Happiness and Well-Being - Part 1 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 8 - Happiness and Well-Being - Part 2 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 9 - Happiness and Well-Being - Part 3 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 10 - Positive Emotional States and Processes - Part 1 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 11 - Positive Emotional States and Processes - Part 2 |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 12 - Hope and Optimism |
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NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 13 - Self and related Concepts |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 14 - Resilience |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 15 - Flow |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 16 - Mindfulness |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 17 - Spirituality, Grit and Mindset |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 18 - Minding and Compassion |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 19 - Forgiveness, Humanity and Gratitude |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 20 - Love, Empathy and Altruism |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 21 - Recent Trends and Directions In Positive Psychology - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 22 - Recent Trends and Directions In Positive Psychology - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Positive Psychology |
Lecture 23 - Recent Trends and Directions In Positive Psychology - Part 3 |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Science Communication |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 2 - Channels of Science Communication |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 3 - Open Science and Open Access |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 4 - Open Research Data and Open Peer Review |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 5 - Overview of Tools for Maximizing Academic Visibility and Impact of Research Output |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 6 - Understanding Research Metrices: Author, Journal and Article Level Metrices |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 7 - Abstract and Citation Database Scopus |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 8 - Abstract and Citation Database: Web of Science |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 9 - Health Science Database: PubMed |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 10 - Free Academic Search Engine: Google Scholar |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 11 - Installation of R |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 12 - Installation of RStudio |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 13 - Object and different types |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 14 - Vector and Data Frame |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 15 - Lists, Matrices, Factor, Array |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 16 - Packages and Help |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 17 - Science communication and different metrices |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 18 - Lotka's law |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 19 - Bradford's law |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 20 - Zipf's Law |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 21 - Descriptive Analysis - I |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 22 - Descriptive Analysis - II |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 23 - Descriptive Analysis - III |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 24 - Analysis of Bradford and Lotka Law |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 25 - Science Mapping - I |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 26 - Science Mapping - II |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 27 - Data Visualization: An overview, history and skills for researchers |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 28 - Data Visualization: Types, tools and technologies |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 29 - Visualization of Scientific Research Patterns and Trends with VOSviewer and CiteSpace |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 30 - Text Mining - Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 31 - Regular Expression |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 32 - Text Pre-processing |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 33 - Topic Modeling |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 34 - THE, QS, Sanghai (ARWU) and (NIRF) Ranking |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 35 - Academic Integrity and Ethical Guidelines in Science Communication |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 36 - IPR/Copyright Issues and Practices in Print and Digital Environment |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 37 - Predatory Publishing: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 38 - Case Study #1 Subject Domain |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 39 - Case Study #2 Author |
Link |
NOC:Science Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source Software |
Lecture 40 - Case Study #3 Journal and Institution |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 1 - Understanding Cultural Studies - Part 1 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 2 - Understanding Cultural Studies - Part 2 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 3 - Evolution and Culture |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 4 - Evolutionary Psychology |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 5 - The Modern Mind: Its Origins |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 6 - Memetics |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 7 - Cultural Theory: Structuralism |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 8 - Marxism - Part 1 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 9 - Marxism - Part 2 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 10 - Poststructuralism |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 11 - Subjectivity |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 12 - Identity |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 13 - Ideology - Part 1 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 14 - Ideology - Part 2 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 15 - Representation - Part 1 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 16 - Representation - Part 2 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 17 - Power |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 18 - Discourse |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 19 - Gender - Part 1 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 20 - Gender - Part 2 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 21 - The Body |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 22 - Space |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 23 - Time |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 24 - Development |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 25 - Language |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 26 - Ethnicity, Race and Nation |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 27 - Globalisation |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 28 - Consumption - Part 1 |
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Cultural Studies |
Lecture 29 - Consumption - Part 2 |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 30 - Biology |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 31 - Culture Industry |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 32 - Commodity |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 33 - Media |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 34 - Television |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 35 - New Media |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 36 - Science, Technology and Culture |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 37 - Cyberculture |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 38 - Cultural Policy |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 39 - Critiquing Cultural Studies |
Link |
Cultural Studies |
Lecture 40 - Conclusion |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 1 - Introduction |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 2 - The Scope of English Studies |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 3 - The English Language |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 4 - International English |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 5 - The Globalization of English |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 6 - World Englishes |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 7 - The Rise of Cultural Studies |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 8 - Old English |
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English Language and Literature |
Lecture 9 - Middle English |
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English Language and Literature |
Lecture 10 - Early Modern English |
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English Language and Literature |
Lecture 11 - Modern English - 1 |
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English Language and Literature |
Lecture 12 - Modern English - 2 |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 13 - The Age of Chaucer |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 14 - The Age of Shakespeare |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 15 - Milton and his Times |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 16 - The Augustans |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 17 - The Romantics |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 18 - The Victorians |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 19 - Modern Literature |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 20 - The Novel |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 21 - Poetry |
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English Language and Literature |
Lecture 22 - Drama |
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English Language and Literature |
Lecture 23 - Essay |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 24 - Short story |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 25 - Biography |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 26 - Autobiography |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 27 - History Of English Language |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 28 - Marxist Literary Criticism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 29 - Feminist Criticism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 30 - Structuralist Criticism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 31 - Poststructuralism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 32 - Postcolonialism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 33 - Cognitive Approaches To Literature |
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English Language and Literature |
Lecture 34 - Classical Criticism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 35 - Liberal Humanism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 36 - Reader-response Criticism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 37 - New Historicism |
Link |
English Language and Literature |
Lecture 38 - Ecocriticism |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 1 - Definition of Game Theory and Rational Choice |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 2 - Interacting Decision Makers |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 3 - Strategic Games : Examples |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 4 - Matching Pennies, Stag Hunt and Nash Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 5 - Examples of Nash Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 6 - Altruism and Prisoner’s Dilemma |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 7 - Variants Stag Hunt Game, Hawk Dove and Coordination Game |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 8 - Public Good Provision, Strict Nash Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 9 - Best Response Functions |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 10 - Strictly and Weakly Dominated Action |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 11 - Application of Weak Domination: Voting |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 12 - Symmetric Games and Symmetric Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 13 - Cournot Model of Oligopoly |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 14 - Different Aspects of Cournot Model |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 15 - Further Aspects of Cournot Model |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 16 - Cournot & Bertrand Models |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 17 - Different Aspects of Bertrand Model |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 18 - Electoral Competition 1 |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 19 - Different Aspects of Hotelling Model |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 20 - Hotteling Model: Concluding Remarks |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 21 - War of Attrition |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 22 - Second Price Sealed Bid Auction |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 23 - Further Aspects of Second Price Auction |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 24 - First Price Auction |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 25 - All Pay Auction, Multi Unit Auction |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 26 - Accident Laws |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 27 - Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium: Introduction |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 28 - Mixed Strategy, Mixed Strategy Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 29 - Mixed Strategy Equilibrium: Concept and Examples |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 30 - Characterisation of Mixed Strategy Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 31 - Dominated Actions and Iterated Elimination |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 32 - Rationalisability and Beliefs |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 33 - Extensive Games: Introduction |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 34 - Strategy and Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 35 - Nash Equilibrium and Its Problems |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 36 - Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 37 - Backward Induction |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 38 - Backward Induction: Exercises |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 39 - Ultimatum Game |
Link |
Game Theory for Economists |
Lecture 40 - Stackelberg Duopoly Model |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Ergonomics |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 2 - Notes 1 |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 3 - Use of percentile anthropometric and biomechanical data for product design - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 4 - Use of percentile anthropometric and biomechanical data for product design - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 5 - Use of percentile anthropometric and biomechanical data for product design - Part III |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 6 - Use of percentile anthropometric and biomechanical data for product design - Part IV |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 7 - Notes 2 |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 8 - Virtual Ergonomics and its Advantages |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 9 - Notes 3 |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 10 - Introduction of Digital Human Modeling (DHM) and Simulation |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 11 - Notes 4 |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 12 - Techniques/Process of virtual ergonomics evaluation using DHMs - Part A (Part I) |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 13 - Notes 5 |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 14 - Techniques/Process of virtual ergonomics evaluation using DHMs - Part B (Part I) |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 15 - Techniques/Process of virtual ergonomics evaluation using DHMs - Part B (Part II) |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 16 - Techniques/Process of virtual ergonomics evaluation using DHMs - Part B (Part III) |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 17 - Notes 6 |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 18 - Application of Digital Human Modeling and Simulation in various Industrial Sectors - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 19 - Application of Digital Human Modeling and Simulation in various Industrial Sectors - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 20 - Notes 7 |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 21 - Future research avenues and steps to be taken towards widespread - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 22 - Future research avenues and steps to be taken towards widespread - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 23 - Future research avenues and steps to be taken towards widespread - Part III |
Link |
NOC:Digital Human Modeling and Simulation for Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation |
Lecture 24 - Notes 8 |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 1 - Cognitive Dimensions - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 2 - Cognitive Dimensions - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 3 - Ethical Dimensions |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 4 - Inductivism and Hypothesism - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 5 - Inductivism and Hypothesism - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 6 - Positivism - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 7 - Positivism - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 8 - Karl Popper - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 9 - Karl Popper - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 10 - Thomas Kuhn |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 11 - Popper versus Kuhn |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 12 - Paul Feyerabend |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 13 - Rewards and Recognitions - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 14 - Rewards and Recognitions - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 15 - Rewards and Recognitions - III |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 16 - Cumulative Advantage and Symbolism of Intellectual Property - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 17 - Cumulative Advantage and Symbolism of Intellectual Property - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 18 - Cumulative Advantage and Symbolism of Intellectual Property - III |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 19 - Max Weber |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 20 - Preliminary Exercise and Explanation |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 21 - Edwin Layton Jr. |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 22 - Langdon Winner - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 23 - Langdon Winner - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 24 - Langdon Winner - III |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 25 - Donald MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 26 - Donald MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 27 - Thomas Edison |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 28 - Capitalism, class, gender, city, machine, workplace - I |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 29 - Capitalism, class, gender, city, machine, workplace - II |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 30 - Capitalism, class, gender, city, machine, workplace - III |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 31 - Alvin Toffler and Daniel Bell |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 32 - Themes and Factors of Information Technology |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 33 - Information Technology and Reconceptualization of Class |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 34 - Reception of Modern Science in India |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 35 - Science Policies in India |
Link |
NOC:Science, Technology and Society |
Lecture 36 - Summary of the Course |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 1 - A Brief Overview of the Course |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 2 - Performativity and Embodiment |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 3 - The Chess Players - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 4 - The Chess Players - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 5 - Shooting an Elephant - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 6 - Shooting an Elephant - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 7 - Heart of Darkness - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 8 - Heart of Darkness - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 9 - Heart of Darkness - Part 3 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 10 - The Fly - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 11 - The Fly - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 12 - Look Back in Anger - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 13 - Look Back in Anger - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 14 - Look Back in Anger - Part 3 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 15 - Look Back in Anger - Part 4 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 16 - Look Back in Anger - Part 5 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 17 - Look Back in Anger - Part 6 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 18 - Gender and Popular Culture Lecture - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 19 - Gender and Popular Culture Lecture - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 20 - Gender and Popular Culture Lecture - 3 |
Link |
NOC:Gender and Literature |
Lecture 21 - Gender and Popular Culture Final Lecture |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 1 - Ecology and Society - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 2 - Ecology and Society - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 3 - Culture and Cultural Ecology |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 4 - Cultural Ecology and Eocnomic |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 5 - Cultural Ecological Theory |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 6 - Human Ecology: Concept and Meaning |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 7 - Human Ecology - Theoretical Approach |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 8 - Ecological Anthropology |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 9 - Ecosystem-based and Actor-based Model of Human Ecology |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 10 - Nature and Culture Debate |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 11 - Nature - A Contested Concept |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 12 - Conceptions of Nature |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 13 - Contested Domains and Boundaries of Culture |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 14 - MCQs Discussion |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 15 - Paradigms in Human—Environmental Relations - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 16 - Paradigms in Human—Environmental Relations - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 17 - Nature, Culture, Magic and Science |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 18 - Religion, Nature and Environment |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 19 - Religion, Nature and Environment Continue |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 20 - The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 21 - Biodiversity Conservation Ethics in Buddhism |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 22 - Hinduism and Nature Conservation, Christian Religion Response to Ecological Crisis |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 23 - Hinduism and Nature Conservation, Christian Religion Response to Ecological Crisis |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 24 - Deep Ecology |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 25 - Social Ecology |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 26 - Ecological Feminist Philosophies |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 27 - Indigenous Knowledge |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 28 - Ecological Journey |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 29 - Kuki Jhumming Practices |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 30 - Debates on Shifting Cultivation |
Link |
NOC:Ecology and Society |
Lecture 31 - Course Summary |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 1 - Thematic Preliminaries - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 2 - Thematic Preliminaries - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 3 - Thematic Preliminaries - III |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 4 - Sociological Modernism: Karl Marx - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 5 - Sociological Modernism: Karl Marx - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 6 - Sociological Modernism: Karl Marx - III |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 7 - Sociological Modernism: Max Weber - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 8 - Sociological Modernism: Max Weber - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 9 - Sociological Modernism: Max Weber - III |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 10 - Sociological Modernism: Max Weber - IV |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 11 - Sociological Modernism: Marx vs. Weber |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 12 - Structuralist Interpretation - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 13 - Structuralist Interpretation - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 14 - Structuralist Interpretation - III |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 15 - Western Marxism - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 16 - Western Marxism - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 17 - Modernity and Social Theory - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 18 - Modernity and Social Theory - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 19 - Modernity and Social Theory - III |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 20 - Modernity and Social Theory - IV |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 21 - Deconstruction of Modernity: The Feminist Challenge - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 22 - Deconstruction of Modernity: The Feminist Challenge - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 23 - Deconstruction of Modernity: Towards Cultural Studies - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 24 - Deconstruction of Modernity: Towards Cultural Studies - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 25 - Deconstruction of Modernity: The Postmodernist Critique - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 26 - Deconstruction of Modernity: The Postmodernist Critique - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 27 - A New Totality - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 28 - A New Totality - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 29 - Modernity in India |
Link |
NOC:Sociological Perspectives on Modernity |
Lecture 30 - What have we discussed? |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 1 - A Brief History of Cognitive Psychology - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 2 - A Brief History of Cognitive Psychology - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 3 - Studying Cognition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 4 - Perception:Basic Principles |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 5 - Models of Perception - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 6 - Models of Perception - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 7 - Basic Attention Processes |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 8 - Models of Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 9 - Automization and Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 10 - Memory Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 11 - Short Term Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 12 - Working Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 13 - Long-Term Memory Encoding |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 14 - Retrieval from Long-Term Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 15 - Semantic Memory Basics |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 16 - Models of Semantic Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 17 - Introducing Concepts and Categories - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 18 - Introducing Concepts and Categories - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 19 - Basics of Visual Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 20 - Object Transformation in Visual Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 21 - Basic Issues in Language |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 22 - Comprehension and Understanding of Language |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 23 - Introduction to Problem Solving |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 24 - Factors Influencing Problem Solving |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 25 - Insight and Creativity |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 26 - Reasoning - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 27 - Reasoning - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 28 - Classical Theory of Decision Making |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 29 - Prospect Theory of Decision Making |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Lecture 30 - Course Summary |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to the course |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 2 - Raja Rammohan Roy : Religious reforms |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 3 - Raja Rammohan Roy : Modern education |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 4 - Raja Rammohan Roy : Freedom of Press |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 5 - Rabindranath Tagore : Nationalism |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 6 - Rabindranath Tagore : Cosmopolitanism |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 7 - Rabindranath Tagore : Idea of man |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 8 - Aurobindo Ghosh : Self |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 9 - Aurobindo Ghosh : Community and Religion |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 10 - Vivekananda : Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 11 - Vivekananda : Revitalisation of Indian life |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 12 - Mahatma Gandhi : Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 13 - Mahatma Gandhi : Hind swaraj and Critique of Modern Civilisation |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 14 - Mahatma Gandhi : India of His Dreams |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 15 - Muhammad Iqbal : Community |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 16 - Muhammad Iqbal : Religion and Nation |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 17 - Savarkar : Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 18 - Savarkar : Hinduism and Hindutva |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 19 - Jawaharlal Nehru : Discovery of India |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 20 - Jawaharlal Nehru : Secularism |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 21 - Jawaharlal Nehru : Internationalism |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 22 - B.R.Ambedkar : Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 23 - B.R.Ambedkar : Caste |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 24 - B.R.Ambedkar : Liberal Democracy and Constitutional Morality |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 25 - Pandita Ramabai : Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 26 - Pandita Ramabai : Gender and Caste |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 27 - Rammanohar Lohia : Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 28 - Rammanohar Lohia : Caste and Class |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 29 - Rammanohar Lohia : Views on Indian Languages |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought |
Lecture 30 - Conclusion |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Consumer Psychology - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Consumer Psychology - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 3 - Problem Recognition - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 4 - Problem Recognition - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 5 - Alternate Evaluation - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 6 - Alternate Evaluation - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 7 - Alternate Evaluation - III |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 8 - Post Purchase and Consumption - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 9 - Post Purchase and Consumption - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 10 - Perception and Cognition - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 11 - Perception and Cognition - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 12 - Memory and Learning - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 13 - Memory and Learning - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 14 - Emotion Motivation and Mood - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 15 - Emotion Motivation and Mood - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 16 - Attitude and Attitude Change - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 17 - Attitude and Attitude Change - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 18 - Communication and Persuassion - I |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 19 - Communication and Persuassion - II |
Link |
NOC:Consumer Psychology |
Lecture 20 - Summary |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 1 - Sanskrit and National Theatre |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 2 - History of Parsi Theatre and Female Impersonation |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 3 - Female Impersonation and Indian Folk Traditions |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 4 - Early Indian Playwrights |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 5 - Silence! The Court is in Session |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 6 - A Friend's Story |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 7 - Ghashiram Kotwal |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 8 - Kanyadaan |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 9 - Hayavadana |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 10 - Tughlaq |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 11 - The Dreams of Tipu Sultan |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 12 - The Fire and the Rain |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 13 - Broken Images |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 14 - Summary |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 15 - Introduction and Garbo |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 16 - Old Stone Mansion |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 17 - Desire in the Rocks |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 18 - Sonata |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 19 - Summary of Mahesh Elkunchwar |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 20 - Introduction and Final Solutions |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 21 - Bravely Fought the Queen |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 22 - Dance Like a Man |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 23 - Summary of Mahesh Dattani |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 24 - Introduction and Procession |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 25 - Bhoma |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 26 - Stale News and Summary |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Modern Indian Drama |
Lecture 27 - Conclusion |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 1 - General Outline and methods |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 2 - Political theories and ideologies |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 3 - Liberty: republican conception of freedom |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 4 - Freedom as autonomy;Positive and negative liberty |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 5 - Freedom as Swaraj, Free speech and hate speech |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 6 - Introduction: Equity and egalitarianism |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 7 - Equality of opportunity; preferential treatment |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 8 - Luck Egalitarianism and its critiques; Equality and Liberty |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 9 - Introduction and forms of rights |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 10 - Conflicts between rights |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 11 - Rights and Duties |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 12 - Justice : A distributive concept |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 13 - Justice : Procedural and Substantive; Justice as fairness |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 14 - Justice : Capability approach; libertarian, communitarian conception of Justice |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 15 - Justice : Feminist conceptions of justice; Global justice |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Power and authority |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 17 - Power, legitimacy and hegemony |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 18 - Power and knowledge; different conceptions of power |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 19 - Introduction and different conceptions of state and sovereignty |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 20 - Modern nation state; liberal, Marxist and feminist conceptions of state |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 21 - State and governmentality |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 22 - Introduction: Procedural and Substantive Democracy |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 23 - Various models of democracy |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 24 - Challenges and Limits of Democracy; Free press and Democracy |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 25 - Citizenship: Subject and Citizen |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 26 - T H Marshal and liberal conceptions of citizenship as legal and equal member |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 27 - Muliticulturalism and Cosmopolitan Citizenship |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 28 - Introduction; Doom and Gloom; Democracy and environmental crisis |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 29 - Climate change and environmental justice |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Political Theory |
Lecture 30 - Revisiting some key themes and concepts |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to the Science of Human Behavior - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to the Science of Human Behavior - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 3 - Sensation - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 4 - Sensation - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 5 - Perception - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 6 - Perception - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 7 - Learning - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 8 - Learning - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 9 - Memory - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 10 - Memory - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 11 - Language - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 12 - Language - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 13 - Intelligence - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 14 - Intelligence - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 15 - Emotion - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 16 - Emotion - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 17 - Personality - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 18 - Personality - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 19 - Social Influence and Cognition - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 20 - Social Influence and Cognition - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Behaviour |
Lecture 21 - Summary |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 1 - Communication and Language - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 2 - Communication and Language - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 3 - Science of Language - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 4 - Science of Language - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 5 - Speech Perception - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 6 - Speech Perception - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 7 - Speech Production - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 8 - Speech Production - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 9 - Words - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 10 - Words - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 11 - Words - III |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 12 - Sentences - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 13 - Sentences - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 14 - Discourse - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 15 - Discourse - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 16 - Reading and Writing - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 17 - Reading and Writing - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 18 - Bilinguilism - I |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 19 - Bilinguilism - II |
Link |
NOC:The Psychology of Language |
Lecture 20 - Overall Review |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 1 - Reflections on Development Studies and Development Research |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 2 - Types, Forms, and Processes of Development Studies Research |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 3 - The Rigour in Development Studies Research |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 4 - Paradigms of Development Research |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 5 - Development Research-Development Work Continuum and Action Research in Development Studies |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 6 - Ethics in Development Studies and Development Research |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 7 - Literature Study |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 8 - A General Lecture based on M.N. Srinivas's The Fieldworker and the Field |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 9 - Introducing Qualitative Research Methods |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 10 - Introducing Qualitative Research Methods (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 11 - Interviews and Focus Group Discussions |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 12 - Participatory Methods and Approaches |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 13 - Conducting Case Studies and Maintaining Field Diaries |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 14 - Introducing Quantitative Research Methods |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 15 - An Overview of Mixed Methods Research |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 16 - Field Surveys and Inventories |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 17 - Logical Framwork and SWOT Analysis |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 18 - The importance of Census and other Secondary Data in Development Studies |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 19 - Communicating Research |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 20 - Operationalizing Rights-based Approaches to Development |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 21 - Poverty Measures and Analysis |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 22 - Gender-sensitive Indicators and Gender Analysis |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 23 - Social Capital Assessment Tools |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 24 - Moitoring and Evaluation |
Link |
NOC:Development Research Methods |
Lecture 25 - A Final Note |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 1 - Introduction and General Outline |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 2 - Sources and Methodology to Study Indian Business History |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 3 - East India Company's early ventures in India |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 4 - Agency Houses: Jagat Seths and Early Banking operations |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 5 - Emergence of Bombay and Cotton Trade, 1750-1850 |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 6 - Indian Business: Changes and Styles |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 7 - Emergence of Calcutta: Impact on Industries |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 8 - Swadeshi Movement: Impact on Indian Industries |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 9 - Case Studies: Indian Business Houses: TATAs |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 10 - Indian Economy and Business during WW I |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 11 - Impact of the Second World War WW II |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 12 - Political Economy of the Global wars for India; Case Study: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 13 - Impact of Independence and Partition: Evolution of the Railways in India |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 14 - Planning, Statistics and Industrialization Policies |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 15 - Global Currents of economic Thought, 1947-1960 |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 16 - Industrial Licensing Policies, Institutions 1947-1964 |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 17 - Industrial Licensing Policies, 1966-1980 |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 18 - Case Study: Amul and Rural Cooperatives |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 19 - Liberalisation of the Indian Economy, 1990s |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 20 - Business Developments in India; India’s Energy Diplomacy through ONGC |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 21 - Indian Business History: Trends and Prospects |
Link |
NOC:Indian Business History |
Lecture 22 - Learning Outcomes from Indian Business History |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 1 - General Outline and Method |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 2 - Method: Text and Context |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 3 - Intro and Justice |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 4 - State and Philosopher King |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 5 - Communism of Wives and Property and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 6 - Intro and Ethics or Virtue |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 7 - Politics and His Ideal State |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 8 - Aristotle-III: Citizenship, Views on Revolution and Criticall Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 9 - Machiavelli-I: Intro and Virtu and Fortuna |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 10 - Machiavelli-II: Politics, Violence, and Religion |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 11 - Machiavelli-III: Republicanism and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 12 - Intro and Human Nature |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 13 - The Leviathan or Sovereign |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 14 - Political Obligation and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 15 - Intro, State of Nature and Natural Rights |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 16 - Limited Government |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 17 - Right to Dissent and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 18 - Rousseau-I: Intro and Social Contract |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 19 - Rousseau-II: General Will and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 20 - Kant-I: Intro and What is Enlightenment? |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 21 - Kant-II: Morality, Autonomy and Freedom |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 22 - Kant-III: Kingdom of Ends and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 23 - Hegel-I: Intro and Freedom |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 24 - Hegel-II: Civil Society and State |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 25 - Hegel-III: Rights and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 26 - Marx-I: Intro and Historical Materialism |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 27 - Marx-II: State and Class |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 28 - Marx-III: Views on Politics, Communism and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 29 - Mill-I: Intro, Utilitarianism and Subjection of Women |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Western Political Thought |
Lecture 30 - Mill-II: On Liberty, Representative Government and Critical Assessment of his Thought |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 1 - The Nature of Stress - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 2 - The Nature of Stress - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 3 - The Biology of Stress |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 4 - Stress, Health, and Non-infectious Diseases |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 5 - Stress and Infectious Diseases |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 6 - Stress and Psychological Disorders |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 7 - Stress, Trauma and Posttraumatic growth - 1 |
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NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 8 - Stress, Trauma and Posttraumatic growth - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 9 - Factors Influencing Stress Tolerance |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 10 - Coping Strategies: Definition and Types |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 11 - Unconscious mind and defensive coping |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 12 - Characteristics of constructive coping; Physical ways of coping |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 13 - Coping with relaxation exercises |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 14 - Mental ways of coping |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 15 - Coping with social support |
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NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 16 - Coping with meditation and mindfulness |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 17 - Positive mental health and well-being |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 18 - Well-being and resilience |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 19 - What is happiness? What makes us happy? |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 20 - Socio-demographic factors and happiness |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 21 - Positive emotions |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 22 - Genetic set point and hedonic adaptation |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 23 - Sustainable happiness model |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 24 - Sustainable happiness with intentional activities |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 25 - Cultivating happiness with gratitude |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 26 - Cultivating happiness with acts of kindness |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 27 - Social comparison and happiness |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 28 - Cultivating happiness with signature strengths 1 (VIA character strengths) |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 29 - Cultivating happiness with signature strengths 2 (Gallup's/Clifton strength finder) |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 30 - Cultivating happiness with Flow |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 31 - Humanistic psychology and self-actualization |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 32 - Self-determination, motivation, and well-being |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 33 - Meaning in life and well-being |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Stress, Health and Well-being |
Lecture 34 - Life goals and well-being |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 1 - Articulation of consonants - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 2 - Articulation of consonants - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 3 - Articulation of vowels |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 4 - Language endangerment and linguistic diversity |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 5 - Linguistic diversity - consonants in the languages of the world |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 6 - Linguistic diversity - consonants and vowels in the languages of the world |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 7 - Linguistic diversity - conclusion |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 8 - Acoustic analysis: sound waves |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 9 - Acoustic analysis: source filter theory and spectrograms |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 10 - Acoustic analysis: vowels and formants |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 11 - Acoustic analysis: formant calculation |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 12 - Perceptual cues, variability in the speech signal, acoustic-phonetic invariance |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 13 - Segmentation problem, categorical perception, cp in infants and animals |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 14 - Measuring perceptual distinctiveness, multidimensional scaling, speech perception theories |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 15 - development of the ideas of phonemes and features |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 16 - phonemes as categories, phonemes in different languages, allophonic rules |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 17 - problems in phonemic analysis, context and phonotactics |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 18 - Psychological reality of phonemes |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 19 - Distinctive features and natural classes |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 20 - Phonological rule application |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 21 - Distinctive features, feature economy and markedness |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 22 - Morphophonological rules |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 23 - Syllables |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 24 - Stress |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 25 - Phonetics and phonology of intonation, microprosody, stylization |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 26 - Nuclear tone, pitch accent and boundary tones |
Link |
NOC:Phonetics and Phonology: A Broad Overview |
Lecture 27 - Focus, givenness |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 1 - Empiricism and Rationalism |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 2 - Comte and Positivism; Epistemology and Ontology |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 3 - The Rules of Sociological Method |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 4 - Sociology of Knowledge |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 5 - Religion and the Division of Labour in Society |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 6 - Positivism and Neo-Kantianism |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 7 - Methodology of the Social Sciences |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 8 - Interpretive Sociology |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 9 - Methodological Individualism and Interpretative Understanding of Social Action |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 10 - Weberian Social Sciences: Methodological Implications |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 11 - Materialist Conception of History |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 12 - Dialectic |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 13 - Nature, Ideology and Science |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 14 - Systematic Falsification |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 15 - Hypothetico - Deductive Model |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 16 - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 17 - Popper Versus Kuhn |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 18 - Positivism Versus Hermeneutics - I |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 19 - Positivism Versus Hermeneutics - II |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 20 - Philosophy of Social Sciences: Taking Stock |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 21 - End of the Philosophy of the Social Sciences |
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NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 22 - Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences |
Link |
NOC:Philosophical Foundations of Social Research |
Lecture 23 - An Overview of the Course |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 1 - Sociology of development: An overview |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 2 - Development historically |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 3 - Decolonization, nationalism and development - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 4 - Decolonization, nationalism and development - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 5 - Decolonization, nationalism and development - III |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 6 - Social evolution and social change |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 7 - Social change and progress |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 8 - Modernization Theory: An Overview |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 9 - State and Class under Peripheral Capitalism |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 10 - Critique of Samuel Huntington |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 11 - Class, State and Revolution |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 12 - The Empirical Peasantry and the Hypothetical Proletariat |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 13 - Class and Classness: Substitutes and Realities |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 14 - Modernization and Huntington's Argument |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 15 - Huntington, Social Sciences and Ideology |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 16 - The Ideological, Empirical and Methodological Critiques - I |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 17 - The Ideological, Empirical and Methodological Critiques - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 18 - Dependency Theory: Intellectual Antecedents |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 19 - The Latin American Debates on Underdevelopment - I |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 20 - The Latin American Debates on Underdevelopment - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 21 - Dependency Theory in Transition - I |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 22 - Dependency Theory in Transition - II |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 23 - Critiques of Dependency Theory - I |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 24 - Critiques of Dependency Theory - II |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 25 - Limits to Growth - I |
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NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 26 - Limits to Growth - II |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 27 - E. F. Schmacher's Small is Beautiful |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 28 - Ivan Illich's Towards a History of Needs |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 29 - Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained: Development studies in the 21st century - I |
Link |
NOC:Sociology of Development |
Lecture 30 - Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained: Development studies in the 21st century - II |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 1 - Development, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 2 - Basic Ecosystem Ecology |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 3 - Environmentalism |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 4 - Environmental movement |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 5 - Environmentalism in the global south |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 6 - Ecofeminism |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 7 - Feminist political ecology |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 8 - Marx and ecology |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 9 - Deep ecology |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 10 - Gandhi and ecology |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 11 - Social ecology |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 12 - Religion, environment and historical roots of ecological crisis |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 13 - Biodiversity conservation ethics in Buddhism and Hinduism |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 14 - Christian religion in the age of ecological crisis |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 15 - Natural resource management |
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NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 16 - Common property vs. private property |
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NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 17 - Livelihoods, forests, and conservation |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 18 - Conservation-induced displacement |
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NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 19 - Environment impact assessment and national rehabilitation and resettlement policy |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 20 - Dispossession and land acquisition |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 21 - Mining, development, and indigenous people |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 22 - Competing visions of development along the Narmada |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 23 - Dams, development, and resistance: Case studies |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 24 - Development theory and gendered approach to development |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 25 - Gender, environment and sustainable development |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 26 - Climate change interventions and policy framework |
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NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 27 - Eastern Himalayas and climate change |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 28 - Ecological knowledge, biodiversity conservation and sustainability |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 29 - Traditional religion and conservation of nature in Northeast India: Case study |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 30 - Indigenous knowledge, environment and development |
Link |
NOC:Environment and Development |
Lecture 31 - Relevance of indigenous knowledge: Case study |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Industrial Organization, Preferences |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 2 - Utility maximization and derivation of demand curve |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 3 - Examples of utility maximization, demand curve and market demand curve |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 4 - Tutorial Module 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 5 - Production Function |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 6 - Cost minimization problem |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 7 - Derivation of cost curves |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 8 - Tutorial on Production and cost curves |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 9 - Optimal output and supply curve of a firm |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 10 - Derivation of Market price in competitive market |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 11 - Long run market price and Pareto optimality |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 12 - Tutorial on Perfectly Competitive Market |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 13 - Monopoly price |
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NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 14 - Price Discrimination - I |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 15 - Price Discrimination - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 16 - Tutorial on Monopoly |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 17 - Introduction to Game Theory, Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategy |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 18 - Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 19 - Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 20 - Existence of Nash Equilibrium in Games with 2 Players and 2 Strategies |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 21 - Tutorial on Normal Form Games |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 22 - Dynamic Games, Backward Induction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 23 - Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 24 - Tutorial on Dynamic Games |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 25 - Cournot Duopoly |
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NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 26 - Cournot Oligopoly |
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NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 27 - Tutorial on Cournot Competition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 28 - Bertrand Competition with and without fixed cost |
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NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 29 - Bertrand Competition with capacity constraint |
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NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 30 - Bertrand Competition with capacity constraint |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 31 - Tutorial on Bertrand Competition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 32 - Bertrand Competition with Decreasing returns to scale |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 33 - Stackelberg Quantity Competition |
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NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 34 - Tutorial on Bertrand Competition and Stackelberg Quantity Competition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 35 - Stackelberg Price Competition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 36 - Simultaneous move Hotelling Model |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 37 - Tutorial on Stackelberg Price Competition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 38 - Sequential Move Hotelling Model |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 39 - Dixit's Model of Entry Deterrence |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 40 - Tutorial on Sequential move Hotelling Model |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 41 - Dixit's Model of Entry Deterrence |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 42 - Bundling and Tying |
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NOC:Introduction to Market Structures |
Lecture 43 - Tutorial on Dixit's Model of Entry Deterrence |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 1 - Aim of the course, real numbers |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 2 - Logic, proof |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 3 - Definitions |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 4 - Set operations |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 5 - Definitions |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 6 - Linear functions |
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NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 7 - Quadratic functions |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 8 - Exponential functions, etc. |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 9 - Differentiation: preliminaries |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 10 - Rules of differentiation |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 11 - Partial differentiation |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 12 - Higher order differentiations |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 13 - Approximations and elasticities |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 14 - Differentiability, series, PDV |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 15 - NPV, evaluation of investment projects |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 16 - Exponential, logarithmic functions |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 17 - Tutorials - 1a |
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NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 18 - Tutorials - 1b |
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NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 19 - Tutorials - 1c |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 20 - Extreme, stationary points, first derivative test |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 21 - Global and local extreme points |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 22 - Second derivative test |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 23 - Inflection points |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 24 - Profit maximizations |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 25 - Area under a curve, indefinite integral |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 26 - Definite integral |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 27 - Oil extraction, income distribution, PDV |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 28 - Integration by parts, substitution, Lorenz curve |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 29 - First order difference equations, solution |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 30 - Dynamic stability, Cobweb model |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 31 - Market model with inventory, Phase diagrams, Higher order equations |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 32 - Multiplier-acceleration model |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 33 - Tutorials - 2a |
Link |
NOC:Mathematics for Economics - I |
Lecture 34 - Tutorials - 2b |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 1 - Nature of human thought - I |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 2 - Brain and cognition, Seat of thought - II |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 3 - Language, meaning, reality - III |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 4 - Categorization |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 5 - Categorization: (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 6 - Frames: another way to understand categories |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 7 - Metaphor |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 8 - Metaphor and Metonymy |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 9 - Image schema |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 10 - Image schema (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 11 - Language acquisition |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 12 - Language acquisition (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 13 - Language in the brain |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 14 - Language in the brain (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 15 - Language and attention |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 16 - Language and visual attention |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 17 - Attention in Sentence processing |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 18 - Executive control/function and its facets |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 19 - Role of executive function in language processing |
Link |
NOC:Language, Culture and Cognition: An Introduction |
Lecture 20 - Mental simulation and its relation with language; summary of the course |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 1 - Becoming and being bilingual |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 2 - Attitude, Acculturation and Bilingualism |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 3 - Who is a Bilingual ? |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 4 - Bilingual acquisition among children: simultaneous bilingualism |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 5 - Successive Bilingualism |
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NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 6 - Language and cognition among bilinguals |
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NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 7 - Bilingual cognition (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 8 - Bilingual Memory Models |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 9 - Bilingual brain: neural representation of languages |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 10 - Data from processing studies on bilingual representation in brain |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 11 - Speech perception and comprehension: theories |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 12 - Speech perception and production studies |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 13 - Lexical processing: background |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 14 - Lexical processing: different experimental paradigms: comprehension and production |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 15 - Sentence processing |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 16 - Metalinguistic Awareness |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 17 - Executive Control: bilingual advantage |
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NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 18 - cognitive reserve, new developments |
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NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 19 - New research trends in bilingualism |
Link |
NOC:Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Perspective |
Lecture 20 - New models. Applied areas |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 1 - Emotions: Concepts and Categories |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 2 - Historical Background and Theories |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 3 - Communication and Measurement of Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 4 - Universals and cultural differences in emotions - 1 |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 5 - Universals and cultural differences in emotions - 2 |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 6 - Emotions and the Body |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 7 - Emotions and the Brain |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 8 - Self-evaluative emotions-Guilt, shame, Embarrassment, and pride |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 9 - Social Comparison Emotions-Envy and Jealousy |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 10 - Positive Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 11 - Happiness and Subjective Well-being - 1 |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 12 - Happiness and Subjective Well-being - 2 |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 13 - Emotions in Groups - 1 |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 14 - Emotions in Groups - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 15 - Emotions and Cognitions: Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 16 - Emotion and Memory |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 17 - Emotion and Judgment/Decesion making |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 18 - Depression |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 19 - Anxiety Disorders |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 20 - Emotion regulation: Introduction |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 21 - Adaptive emotion regulation using ABC model |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 22 - Adaptive emotion regulation using mindfulness |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 23 - Emotional intelligence: Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 24 - Skills of EI-Self-awareness |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 25 - Skills of EI-Self-regulation/Self-management |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 26 - Skills of EI-Self-Motivation |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 27 - Skills of EI-Empathy |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 28 - Skills of EI-Social intelligence and social skills |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 29 - Emotional intelligence and workplace |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 30 - Emotional intelligence, health and well-being |
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NOC:Psychology of Emotion: Theory and Applications |
Lecture 31 - Development of emotional intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 1 - Links of Health and Education Achievements to Human Development |
Link |
NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 2 - Health and Education: Human Capital or Human Right? |
Link |
NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 3 - Unique Aspects of Health Economics |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 4 - Perfect Competition and Healthcare Markets |
Link |
NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 5 - Demand for Health-1 (Grossman model) |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 6 - Demand for Health-2 (Is demand for health downward sloping) |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 7 - Demand for Health-3 (Comparative statics) |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 8 - Demand for Health-4 (Health disparities and hypothesis) |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 9 - Economics of Healthcare: Supply side |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 10 - Demand for Insurance |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 11 - Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 12 - Demand for Education |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 13 - A Basic Model of Human Capital Investment and A Few Influential Thinkers |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 14 - Production of Education and Returns to Education - based on global data |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 15 - Fiscal functions of budget policy and the concept of public food |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 16 - Public goods, private goods, merit goods; Market failures and corrections |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 17 - Is higher education a public good, a quasi-public good or a merit good? |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 18 - Inequalities of Outcomes and Opportunities |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 19 - Equity in Healthcare |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 20 - Education Inequalities in Developing Countries and India |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 21 - India's Health Policy |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 22 - India's Education Policy |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 23 - Right to Health and Universal Health Care - The Indian Context |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 24 - Global Disease Burdens |
Link |
NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 25 - How ASER is addressing the problem of Learning Crisis in India |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 26 - The PROBE reports - Public Report on Basic Education |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 27 - Indian Morbidity and Mortality surveys |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 28 - Indian Official Statistics on school education and higher education |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 29 - Health financing |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 30 - Education financing |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 31 - Health Workforce |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 32 - Women in India's Labour Market |
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NOC:Economics of Health and Education |
Lecture 33 - Summary and Conclusions |
Link |
NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 1 - Introduction - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 2 - Introduction - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 3 - Research Methods - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 4 - Research Methods - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 5 - Visual and tactile displays - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 6 - Visual and tactile displays - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 7 - Auditory display - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 8 - Auditory display - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 9 - Methods of evaluation - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 10 - Methods of evaluation - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 11 - Multitasking - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 12 - Multitasking - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 13 - Decision Making - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 14 - Decision Making - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 15 - Motor skill and control - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 16 - Motor skill and control - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 17 - Environmental design - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 18 - Environmental design - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 19 - Human error - 1 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 20 - Human error - 2 |
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NOC:Engineering Psychology |
Lecture 21 - Course Review |
Link |
Communication Skills |
Lecture 1 - Introduction |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 2 - Barriers to Communication - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 3 - Barriers to Communication - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 4 - Barriers to Communication - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 5 - Non-Verbal Communication - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 6 - Non-Verbal Communication - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 7 - Non-Verbal Communication - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 8 - Non-Verbal Communication - 4 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 9 - Non-Verbal Communication - 5 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 10 - Listening Skills - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 11 - Listening Skills - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 12 - Listening Skills - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 13 - Business Letters Writing - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 14 - Business Letters Writing - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 15 - Business Letters Writing - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 16 - Business Letters Writing - 4 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 17 - Report Writing - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 18 - Report Writing - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 19 - Group Discussion - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 20 - Group Discussion - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 21 - Group Discussion - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 22 - Interview Skills - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 23 - Interview Skills - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 24 - Interview Skills - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 25 - Interview Skills - 4 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 26 - Interview Skills - 5 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 27 - Interview Skills - 6 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 28 - Interview Skills - 7 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 29 - Netiquette - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 30 - Netiquette - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 31 - Oral Presentation - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 32 - Oral Presentation - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 33 - Oral Presentation - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 34 - Cross Cultural Communication - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 35 - Cross Cultural Communication - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 36 - Cross Cultural Communication - 3 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 37 - Cross Cultural Communication - 4 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 38 - Common Errors - 1 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 39 - Common Errors - 2 |
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Communication Skills |
Lecture 40 - Common Errors - 3 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Ethics - 'Crtio' A Socratic dialoguea |
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Ethics |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Ethics -An assessment of Ethical relativism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 3 - Consequentialism -Introduction |
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Ethics |
Lecture 4 - Consequentialism Rule and Act |
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Ethics |
Lecture 5 - Hedonism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 6 - Utilitarianism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 7 - Deontological theories - Introduction |
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Ethics |
Lecture 8 - Deontological theories - Immanuel Kant |
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Ethics |
Lecture 9 - Ethical Rules (with reference to W D Ross) |
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Ethics |
Lecture 10 - Situation Ethics |
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Ethics |
Lecture 11 - Virtue Ethics |
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Ethics |
Lecture 12 - Metaethical Theories |
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Ethics |
Lecture 13 - Ethical Relativism: A discussion on Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
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Ethics |
Lecture 14 - Ethical Naturalism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 15 - Ethical Naturalism (Continued...) |
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Ethics |
Lecture 16 - Ethical Naturalism-Emotivism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 17A - Ethical Non-naturalism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 17B - Ethical Non-naturalism-II |
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Ethics |
Lecture 18 - Non-cognitive or Nondescriptivist Theories - Intuitionism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 19 - Non-cognitive or Nondescriptivist Theories - Intuitionism Nihilism |
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Ethics |
Lecture 20 - Why be Moral? |
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Ethics |
Lecture 21 - Ethics in the Indian tradition |
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Ethics |
Lecture 22 - Theory of Karma - Part 1 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 23 - Theory of Karma - Part 2 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 24 - Nishkama Karma - Part 1 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 25 - Nishkama Karma - Part 2 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 26 - Gandhian Ethics - Part 1 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 27 - Gandhian Ethics - Part 2 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 28 - Gandhian Ethics - Part 3 (Satyagraha) |
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Ethics |
Lecture 29 - Purusharthas |
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Ethics |
Lecture 30 - Buddhist Ethics - Part 1 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 31 - Buddhist Ethics - Part 2 - Jaina Ethics |
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Ethics |
Lecture 32 - Some ethical issues (Applied Ethics) Discussing Peter Singer's 'Famine Affluence and Morality' |
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Ethics |
Lecture 33 - Some ethical issues (Applied Ethics) Discussing Peter Singer's 'Famine Affluence and Morality' |
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Ethics |
Lecture 34 - Discussing Thomas Pogge's 'Real World Justice' - Part 1 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 35 - Discussing Thomas Pogge's 'Real World Justice' - Part 2 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 36 - Discussing Thomas Pogge's 'Real World Justice' - Part 3 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 37 - Sexuality: Ethical Perspectives - Part 1 |
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Ethics |
Lecture 38 - Sexuality: Ethical Perspectives - Part 2 |
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International Economics |
Lecture 1 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 2 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 3 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 4 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 5 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 6 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 7 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 8 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 9 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 10 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 11 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 12 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 13 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 14 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 15 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 16 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 17 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 18 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 19 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 20 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 21 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 22 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 23 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 24 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 25 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 26 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 27 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 28 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 29 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 30 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 31 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 32 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 33 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 34 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 35 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 36 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 37 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 38 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 39 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 40 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 41 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 42 - International Economics |
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International Economics |
Lecture 43 - International Economics |
Link |
Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 1 - Identification of Arguments |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 2 - Non-arguments |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 3 - Types of Arguments: Deductive vs Inductive |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 4 - Nature and Scope of Deductive and Inductive Arguments |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 5 - Truth, Validity and Soundness |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 6 - Strength of Inductive arguments, Counter example method |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 7 - Toulmin’s Model of Argumentation |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 8 - Identification of Formal and Informal Fallacies |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 9 - Informal Fallacies: Fallacies of relevance |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 10 - Fallacies of Weak Induction and Fallacies arising out of ambiguity in Language |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 11 - Introduction and motivation for Syllogistic Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 12 - Aristotle theory of Syllogisms - 1 |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 13 - Syllogistic Poem, Reduction of Syllogisms |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 14 - Syllogistic Poem, Reduction of Syllogisms |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 15 - Nature and Scope of Propositional Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 16 - Syntax of Propositional Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 17 - Logical Connectives: Truth Tables |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 18 - Truth Table Method: Validity, Consistency, Logical Equivalence |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 19 - Semantic Tableaux Method for Propositional Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 20 - Knights and Knaves Puzzles |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 21 - Semantic Tableaux Method: Further Examples |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 22 - Natural Deduction Method |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 23 - Natural Deduction: Examples |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 24 - Conjunctive and Disjunctive Normal Forms |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 25 - CNF, DNF and satisfiability and Validity |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 26 - Resolution and refutation method |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 27 - Resolution and refutation method: Examples |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 28 - Axiomatic Propositional Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 29 - Hlbert Ackermann Axiomatic system |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 30 - Proofs in the PM system |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 31 - Hilbert and Ackermann System |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 32 - Outlines of Predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 33 - Outlines of Predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 34 - Building blocks of Predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 35 - Quantifiers, freedom, bondage |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 36 - Translation in to predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 37 - Semantics of Predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 38 - Truth, satisfiability, validity in Predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 39 - Formation Trees for wff’s in predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 40 - Semantic Tableaux Method for Predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 41 - Semantic Tableaux method: Satisfiability, Validity |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 42 - Natural Deduction in Predicate Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 43 - Important theorems in First order Logic |
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Introduction to Logic |
Lecture 44 - Limitations of first order logic and Introduction to the course |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 1 - Introduction |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 2 - Basics Concepts |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 3 - Perspectives On Population |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 4 - Indian Society |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 5 - Social Change in India |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 6 - India: A Developing Economy |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 7 - Methodology |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 8 - Primary and Secondry Data and Related Issues |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 9 - Sources of Population Data |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 10 - Participatory Rural Appraisal |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 11 - Demographic Models - I |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 12 - Demographic models - II |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 13 - Contemporary Issues In Modelling Population Processes |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 14 - World Population Growth |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 15 - Demographic Transition in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 16 - Demographic schism between Developed and Developing Countries and Future Prospects |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 17 - History Of Growth |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 18 - Population of India - II |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 19 - Trends In Death and Birth Rates |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 20 - Population projections,Migration and Future Prospects |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 21 - Urbanization and Development |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 22 - Urbanization in India |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 23 - Theories Of urbanization and Development |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 24 - Future Of Urbanization In India |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 25 - Population Theories |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 26 - Marxist theory Of Population |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 27 - Demographic Transition Theory and Related Issues |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 28 - Gandhian Theory Of population |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 29 - Population Policy |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 30 - Effectiveness Of population Policies |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 31 - Family Planning Programme and Beyond |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 32 - National Population Policy |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 33 - The First Policy Statement |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 34 - Subsequent Developments Leading To National Population Policy 2000 |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 35 - Ecological Degradation and Environmental Protection |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 36 - Diffrences In Perception Between Developed and Developing Countries |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 37 - Total Environment Impact and Beliefs |
Link |
Population and Society |
Lecture 38 - Emerging Issues In sociology Of Population |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 39 - Population Issues In The framework of MDGs |
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Population and Society |
Lecture 40 - Population Issues (Continued...) |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 1 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 2 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 3 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 4 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 5 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 6 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 7 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 8 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 9 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 10 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 11 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 12 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 13 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 14 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 15 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 16 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 17 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 18 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 19 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 20 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 21 |
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Macro Economics |
Lecture 22 |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 1 - What is sociology? |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 2 - Sociological approaches |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 3 - Nature of society: Individuals and groups |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 4 - Cooperation and conflict |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 5 - Family-I: Definition and classification of family |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 6 - Family-II: Perspectives on family |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 7 - State-I: Definition of state |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 8 - State-II: State in India |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 9 - State-III: The concept of power |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 10 - State-IV: Functionalist and Marxist perspectives on power |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 11 - Sociology of work-I: Need for work |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 12 - Sociology of work-II: Social change and work |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 13 - Sociology of work-III: Development and work |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 14 - Sociology of work-IV: Capitalism and motivation for work |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 15 - Religion-I: Social conditions and religious thought |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 16 - Religion-II: Bases of religion |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 17 - Religion-III: Forms of religious beliefs |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 18 - What is sociology? |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 19 - Religion-V: Religion and society |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 20 - Religion-VI: Contributions of Marx and Weber |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 21 - Education-I: Concept of education? |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 22 - Education-II: Functions of education |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 23 - Social stratification-I: Social inequality and stratification |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 24 - Social stratification-II: Explanations of social stratification |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 25 - Social stratification-III: Theories and facts |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 26 - Social stratification-IV: Stratification in India |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 27 - Deviance-I: Concept of deviance |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 28 - Deviance-II: Perspectives on deviance |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 29 - Deviance-III: Theories of deviance |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 30 - Social change-I: Definition of social change |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 31 - Social change-II: Theories of social change |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 32 - Social change-III: Social change in industrial society |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 33 - Social change-IV: Urbanization and related issues in social change |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 34 - Population-I: Malthusian theory of population |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 35 - Population-II: Population and Society |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 36 - Perspectives in Sociology-I |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 37 - Perspectives in Sociology-II |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 38 - Social Problems and Theory |
Link |
Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 39 - Sociological methods-I |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 40 - Sociological methods-II: Ethnography |
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Introduction to Sociology |
Lecture 41 - Sociological methods-III: Ethnography in India |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 1 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 2 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 3 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 4 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 5 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 6 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 7 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 8 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 9 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 10 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 11 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 12 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 13 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 14 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 15 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 16 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 17 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 18 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 19 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 20 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 21 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 22 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 23 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 24 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 25 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 26 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 27 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 28 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 29 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 30 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 31 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 32 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 33 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 34 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 35 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 36 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 37 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 38 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 39 |
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Money and Banking |
Lecture 40 |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-1 - Lecture-1 : Understanding Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-1 - Lecture-2 : Understanding Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-1 - Lecture-3 : Understanding Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-1 - Lecture-4 : Understanding Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-2 - Lecture-1 : Dimensions of Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-2 - Lecture-2 : Dimensions of Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-2 - Lecture-3 : Dimensions of Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-3 - Lecture-1 : Adjustment? Range of Reactions |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-1 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-2 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-3 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-4 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-5 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-6 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-7 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-8 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-4 - Lecture-9 : Human adjustment process?II |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-5 - Lecture-1 : Facets of human adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-5 - Lecture-2 : Facets of human adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-5 - Lecture-3 : Facets of human adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-6 - Lecture-1 : Emotions & Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-6 - Lecture-2 : Emotions & Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-6 - Lecture-3 : Emotions & Adjustmen |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-6 - Lecture-4 : Emotions & Adjustment |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-7 - Lecture-1 : Facets of human adjustment: Stress, Resilience and Coping |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-7 - Lecture-2 : Facets of human adjustment: Stress, Resilience and Coping |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-7 - Lecture-3 : Facets of human adjustment: Stress, Resilience and Coping |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-7 - Lecture-4 : Facets of human adjustment: Stress, Resilience and Coping |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-7 - Lecture-5 : Facets of human adjustment: Stress, Resilience and Coping |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-8 - Lecture-1 : Aggression |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-8 - Lecture-2 : Aggression |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-8 - Lecture-3 : Aggression |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-8 - Lecture-4 : Aggression |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-9 - Lecture-1 : Psychological disorders |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-9 - Lecture-2 : Psychological disorders |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-9 - Lecture-3 : Psychological disorders |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-9 - Lecture-4 : Psychological disorders |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-9 - Lecture-5 : Psychological disorders |
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Human Adjustment Processes |
Module-10 - Lecture-1 : Summing-up |
Link |
Human Adjustment Processes |
Understanding Oneself |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 1 - Introduction Selected Topics in Psychology |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 2 - Psychology: Emerging of a discipline |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 3 - Psychology: Emerging of a discipline |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 4 - Beginning, growth and decline of Western psychology in India |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 5 - The core and context of Indian psychology |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 6 - The indigenization of psychology in India |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 7 - Weaving culture into psychology |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 8 - Culture and Self: Implications for Social Behaviour |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 9 - Cultural and organizational behaviour |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 10 - How do similar attitudes determine attraction? |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 11 - Why do similar attitudes determine attraction? |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 12 - A beautiful mind? Perspective on brain , mind and it's challenges |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 13 - Emotion and well?being |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 14 - Mental health and illness - Part 1 |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 15 - Mental health and illness - Part 2 |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 16 - Folk Healing Traditions in India |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 17 - To sleep or not |
Link |
Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 18 - Issues and challenges in psychological assessment |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 19 - Nontraditional research in behavioural sciences |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 20 - What a surprise: My results are nonsignificant |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 21 - Neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience research |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 22 - Functional MRI in psychology - Part 1 |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 23 - Functional MRI in psychology - Part 2 |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 24 - Side bias in human behaviour |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 25 - Brain microstructural correlates of cognition in Cerebral Palsy |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 26 - Brain microstructural correlates of cognition in vitamin B12 deficiency |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 27 - The neuroscience of addictive behaviour |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 28 - Who is at risk and why? The neurogenetics of vulnerability to addiction - Part 1 |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 29 - Who is at risk and why? The neurogenetics of vulnerability to addiction - Part 2 |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 30 - The gambler's lament: Behavioural addictions? gambling, internet and porn addictions |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 31 - Art and the brain - Part 1 |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 32 - Art and the brain - Part 2 |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 33 - Technological advances in other areas and their impact on psychology |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 34 - Positioning the state of psychology in India in the global scenario |
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Selected Topics in Psychology |
Lecture 35 - Introduction Selected Topics in Psychology |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 1 - Visual Literacy |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 2 - What is Art? Visual styles |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 3 - Principle of Visual Communication |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 4 - Elements of Visual Representation |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 5 - Need of Visual Harmony, Aerial Perspective in Visual Representation |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 6 - Visual Mediums Method and Material |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 7 - Visual Arrangement: Figure ground relationship |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 8 - Illusion of Space Overlapping and Vertical Location |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 9 - Multiple point Perspective, Cubist form |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 10 - Oriental Perspective, Isometric Projection |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 11 - Unconventional Space, Visual Riddle |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 12 - Perspective, Foreshortening and Amplification |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 13 - Static Form |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 14 - Impression of Movement |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 15 - Movement by Repetition |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 16 - Use of Multiple Image to Depict Motion |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 17 - Principle of Op Art: Optical Movement |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 18 - Asymmetry in Visual Narration |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 19 - Scale and Space in Composition |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 20 - Choosing the Right Scale |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 21 - Natural Proportion |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 22 - Ideal Proportion |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 23 - Arbitrary and Mandatory Proportion |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 24 - Form of Visual Paradox |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 25 - Line as Line and Line as Shape |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 26 - Character Specific Use of Line in Visual Representation |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 27 - Implied, Psychic, Contour Line and Gesture Line |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 28 - Line as Building Block |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 29 - Line for Rendering: Value and Volume |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 30 - Quality of Line in Visual Expression |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 31 - Example of Unified Composition: Conceptual Harmony vs. Visual Harmony |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 32 - Visual Continuity: Proximity, Repetition |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 33 - Gestalt law of Universal Whole |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 34 - Unity in Variation. Visual Climax and Harmony: Focal Point and Accents |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 35 - Degree of Emphasis to Maintain Harmony: Visual Balance |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 36 - Rhythm and Motion in Visual Representation Alternating and Progressing Arrangement |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 37 - Visual Balance in Symmetry, Radial and Crystallographic Balance |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 38 - Balance in Asymmetry |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 39 - Visual Balance in Colour Combination, Conflicting Colours |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 40 - Balance through Achromatic Value Distribution |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 41 - Local, optical and Arbitrary colour |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 42 - Colour in Digital Media Pigment and Light, Resolution |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 43 - Rectilinear and Curvilinear Form |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 44 - Volume and Surface Texture |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 45 - Visual and Tactile Texture |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 46 - Form, Texture and Pattern |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 47 - Visual Analysis |
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NOC:Elements of Visual Representation |
Lecture 48 - Steps of Problem Solving |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 1 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 2 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 3 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 4 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 5 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 6 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 7 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 8 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 9 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 10 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 11 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 12 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 13 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 14 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 15 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 16 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 17 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 18 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 19 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 20 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 21 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 22 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 23 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 24 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 25 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 26 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 27 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 28 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 29 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 30 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 31 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 32 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 33 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 34 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 35 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 36 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 37 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 38 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 39 |
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NOC:Practical English: Learning and Teaching |
Lecture 40 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 1 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 2 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 3 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 4 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 5 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 6 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 7 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 8 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 9 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 10 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 11 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 12 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 13 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 14 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 15 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 16 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 17 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 18 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 19 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 20 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 21 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 22 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 23 |
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NOC:Brief introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 24 |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 1 - Neuroanatomy |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 2 - Neurophysiology |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 3 - Imaging |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 4 - Electrophysiology |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 5 - Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 6 - Mental Status Examination 1 & 2 |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 7 - Classificatory Systems |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 8 - Investigation and Psychological Testing |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 9 - Organic Syndromes |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 10 - Schizophrenia |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 11 - Mood Disorders |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 12 - Anxiety Disorders |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 13 - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 14 - Childhood Disorder Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 15 - Autism |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 16 - Learning Disability |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 17 - ADHD |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 18 - Personality Disorder |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 19 - Sleep Disorder 1 |
Link |
NOC:Psychiatry - An overview |
Lecture 20 - Sleep Disorder 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 1 - Geographical Expanse |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 2 - Chronological Journey |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 3 - Forms of Indian Architecture |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 4 - Variations in Indian Sculpture |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 5 - Formats of Indian Painting |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 6 - Pre-historic art: Rock painting of Bhimbetka |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 7 - Ancient Art: Indus Valley Civilization |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 8 - Early Buddhist Art: Bharhut, Sanchi and Amaravati Stupa |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 9 - Art of the Royal Dynasty: Kushana and Gupta period |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 10 - Islamic Architecture: Sultanate and Mughal Period |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 11 - Wonder from Classical period: Ajanta Caves |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 12 - Narrative Art in Sculpture: Mamallapuram and Ellora |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 13 - Narrative Art in Miniature Painting: Mughal and Rajput |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 14 - Indigenous Art : Folk Traditions - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 15 - Indigenous Art : Folk Traditions - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 16 - End of Traditional Art - Advent of the British |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 17 - Art patronized by the Colonial Rulers |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 18 - Art for National Cause |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 19 - Art in the post-independent India |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Indian Art - An appreciation |
Lecture 20 - Art Now - Trends in contemporary art |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 1 - What is logic? General Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 2 - Propositional Logic : Syntax |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 3 - Propositional Logic : Semantics |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 4 - Semantic Tableaux Method for Propositional Logic: General Examples |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 5 - Semantic Tableaux Method : Some Puzzles |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 6 - Semantic Tableaux Method-3: More puzzles |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 7 - Limitations of Classical Logic |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 8 - Origin of Modal Logic : Historical Survey |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 9 - Origin of Modal Logic : Strict Implication |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 10 - Strict Implication |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 11 - Strict Implication : Examples |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 12 - Language of Normal Modal Logic |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 13 - Language of Modal Logic, Modal Sentences - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 14 - Language of Modal Logic 2 : Syntax |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 15 - Axiomatic Modal Logic : Some Proofs |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 16 - Semantics of Modal Logic : Relational Structures |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 17 - Kripke semantics for Modal Logic systems |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 18 - Kripke semantics for Modal Logic : Some Examples |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 19 - Kripke Semantics for Modal Logic : Examples |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 20 - Semantic Tableaux method - I |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 21 - Semantic Tableaux method - II |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 22 - Possible worlds and Modal realism |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 23 - Conditional logic introduction |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 24 - Conditional logic C |
Link |
NOC:Basic Concepts of Modal Logic |
Lecture 25 - Conditional logics: C, C+, S, C1, C2 and conclusion |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 1 - Fundamentals of Interest Rates |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 2 - Fixed Income Securities |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 3 - Term Structure of Interest Rates - I |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 4 - Optimization Models In Finance |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 5 - Crash course on KKT Condition |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 6 - Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization - I |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 7 - Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization - II |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 8 - Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization - III |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 9 - Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization - IV |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 10 - Last lecture on Portfolio Optimization |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 11 - Capital Asset Pricing Model |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 12 - The Binomial Model [Lox-Ross-Rubenstein Model] |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 13 - The Binomial Method - II |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 14 - Binomial Method - III (Multiperiod model) |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 15 - Binomial model - IV |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 16 - Girsanav's Theorem (Basic tool) |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 17 - Girsanav's Theorem (Statement and proof) |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 18 - Stock price under risk netral measure |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 19 - The Black Scholes formula |
Link |
NOC:Probability and Stochastic for Finance II |
Lecture 20 - Final Lecture |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 1 - Major Areas of Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 2 - Major Milestones in Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 3 - Methods in Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 4 - Schools of thoughts in Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 5 - Sensory Mechanisms |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 6 - External Factors in Perception |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 7 - Theory of Signal Detection |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 8 - Gestalt Principles |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 9 - Form Perception |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 10 - Role of Culture in Perception |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 11 - Basic Concepts of Learning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 12 - Classical Conditioning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 13 - Concepts and Applications of Classical Conditioning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 14 - Operant Conditioning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 15 - Observational Learning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 16 - Cognitive Learning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 17 - Models of Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 18 - Short Term Memory - Storage and Retention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 19 - Long Term Memory - Episodic Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 20 - Long Term Memory - Autobiographical and Semantic Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 21 - Long Term Memory - Procedural Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 22 - Forgetting |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 23 - Theories of Emotion - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 24 - Theories of Emotion - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 25 - Basic Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 26 - Culture and Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 27 - Musculature Analysis of Facial Expressions |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 28 - Biological Basis of Emotion |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 29 - Nature vs Nurture |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 30 - Behavioural Genetics - I |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 31 - Behavioural Genetics - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 32 - Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 33 - Aptitude |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 34 - Various Perspectives of Personality |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 35 - Neo Freudian and Behaviourist Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 36 - Behaviourist and Humanistic Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 37 - Indian Perspective of Personality and Assessment of Personality |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 38 - Psychometric tests of Personality Assessment |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 39 - Lab Session 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 40 - Lab Session 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 41 - Lab Session 3 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 42 - Lab Session 4 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Psychology |
Lecture 43 - Lab Session 5 |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 1 - Changing Definition of Folk and Minor Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 2 - Timelines and Regions: General Mapping |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 3 - Traditional Roots: Elements and Principles |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 4 - Timelessness: Primitive Connection |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 5 - Evolution in Purpose: Ritualistic to Propagative |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 6 - Contemporary Practice |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 7 - Classification and Connections: Traditional Roots |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 8 - Early Literary Resources |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 9 - Mythical Associations |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 10 - Idea of Nationalism and Modernism in the Context of Folk Art-I and II |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 11 - Relevance of the Art Practice |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 12 - Contextualization and Decontextualization |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 13 - Concept of Communication for Social Purpose |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 14 - Aesthetic Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 15 - Secularity and Religious Plurality |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 16 - Ethnographic perspective on the study of Folk Art and Culture |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 17 - About the Exponents who brought the culture under the Limelight |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 18 - Commonality and Congruity in the Diverse Content of Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 19 - School of Art in Madhubani Painting |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 20 - Art as a Feminine Preserve vs the Male painters of Madhubani |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 21 - Yamapata, Pytkar and other art practice of Jharkhand: Yamapata by the Jadopatias, Sohari Painters and their Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 22 - Patachitra of Bengal |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 23 - Patachitra of Odisha |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 24 - Continuum of the Practice: Ancient Centres, Contemporary Scenario, Method and Material - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 25 - Continuum of the Practice: Ancient Centres, Contemporary Scenario, Method and Material - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 26 - Continuum of the Practice: Ancient Centres, Contemporary Scenario, Method and Material - 3 |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 27 - Case study-1 : Gond Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 28 - Case study-2 : Bengal Patachitra |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 29 - Case study-3 : Madhubani Paintings |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 30 - Characteristics of Contemporary Collection - Semiotic Analysis |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 31 - Characteristics of Contemporary Collection - Thematic and Iconic Analysis |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 32 - Characteristics of Contemporary Collection of Indian Folk and Minor Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 33 - Thematic Change in Contemporary Collection of Indian Folk and Minor Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 34 - Individual Expression in Contemporary Collection of Indian Folk and Minor Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 35 - Cultural Condition: Colonial and Postcolonial Bengal - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 36 - Cultural Condition: Colonial and Postcolonial Bengal - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 37 - Contextualizing Folk idiom - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 38 - Contextualizing Folk idiom - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 39 - Contextualizing Folk idiom - Part III |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 40 - Coexistence and Collaborations with Mainstream Art |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 41 - Alternative Context: Place of Folk Art in Contemporary Lifestyle |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 42 - Need of Paradigm Shift - I |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 43 - Need of Paradigm Shift - II |
Link |
NOC:Folk and Minor Art in India |
Lecture 44 - Endnote |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 1 - Introduction: A New Approach to Learning |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 2 - Planning and Goal-Setting |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 3 - Human Perceptions: Understanding People |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 4 - Types of Soft Skills: Self-Management Skills |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 5 - Aiming for Excellence: Developing Potential and Self-Actualisation |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 6 - Need Achievement and Spiritual Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 7 - Conflict Resolution Skills: Seeking Win-Win Solution |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 8 - Inter-Personal Conflicts: Two Examples |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 9 - Inter-Personal Conflicts: Two Solutions |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 10 - Types of Conflicts: Becoming a Conflict Resolution Expert |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 11 - Types of Stress: Self-Awareness About Stress |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 12 - Regulating Stress: Making the best out of Stress |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 13 - Habits: Guiding Principles |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 14 - Habits: Identifying Good and Bad Habits |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 15 - Habits: Habit Cycle |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 16 - Breaking Bad Habits |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 17 - Using the Zeigarnik Effect for Productivity and Personal Growth |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 18 - Forming Habits of Success |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 19 - Communication: Significance of Listening |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 20 - Communication: Active Listening |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 21 - Communication: Barriers to Active Listening |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 22 - Telephone Communication: Basic Telephone Skills |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 23 - Telephone Communication: Advanced Telephone Skills |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 24 - Telephone Communication: Essential Telephone Skills |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 25 - Technology and Communication: Technological Personality? |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 26 - Technology and Communication: Mobile Personality? |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 27 - Topic: Technology and Communication: E-Mail Principles |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 28 - Technology and Communication: How not to Send E-Mails! |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 29 - Technology and Communication: Netiquette |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 30 - Technology and Communication: E-Mail Etiquette |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 31 - Communication Skills: Effective Communication1 |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 32 - Barriers to Communication: Arising out of Sender / Receivers Personality |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 33 - Barriers to Communication: Interpersonal Transactions |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 34 - Barriers To Communication: Miscommunication |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 35 - Non-Verbal Communication: Pre-Thinking Assessment - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 36 - Non-Verbal Communication: Pre-Thinking Assessment - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 37 - Nonverbal Communication: Introduction and Importance |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 38 - Non-Verbal Communication: Issues and Types |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 39 - Non-Verbal Communication: Basics and Universals |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 40 - Non-Verbal Communication: Interpreting Non-Verbal Cues |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 41 - Body Language: For Interviews |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 42 - Body Language: For Group Discussions |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 43 - Lecture 43 |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 44 - Presentation Skills: Becoming a Professional |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 45 - Presentation Skills: The Role of Body Language |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 46 - Presentation Skills: Using Visuals |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 47 - Reading Skills: Effective Reading |
Link |
NOC:Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 48 - Human Relations: Developing Trust and Integrity |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 1 - Brain - 1 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 2 - Brain - 2 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 3 - Brain - 3 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 4 - Electrical Activity In Brain - 1 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 5 - Electrical Activity In Brain - 2 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 6 - EEG |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 7 - Dynamics - 1 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 8 - Dynamics - 2 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 9 - Dynamics - 3 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 10 - Dynamics - 4 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 11 - Cognition and Emotions - 1 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 12 - Cognition and Emotions - 2 Edit Lesson |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 13 - Cognition and Emotions - 3 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 14 - Cognition and Emotions - 4 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 15 - Consciousness |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 16 - Sleep - 1 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 17 - Sleep - 2 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 18 - Sleep - 3 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 19 - Future of Brain - 1 |
Link |
NOC:How the Brain Creates Mind |
Lecture 20 - Future of Brain - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Design Thinking |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 2 - The Need to be People Centered |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 3 - People Centered Design Methodology |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 4 - Examine and Reflect on the Problem |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 5 - Reconsider and arrive at the right problem to solve |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 6 - Research with Users and their Contexts |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 7 - Question Framing and Conducting Research |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 8 - User Stories and Themes |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 9 - Personas |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 10 - Insight Statements, How Might We Questions, Design Strategy Statement |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 11 - Generating Ideas |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 12 - Top Five Ideas |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 13 - Bundle Ideas and Create a Concept |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 14 - Scenarios and Storyboards |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 15 - Rapid Prototyping |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 16 - Importance of Testing with People |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 17 - Testing your Design with People |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 18 - Conducting the Usability Test |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 19 - Record Results, Enhance, Retest and Refine Design |
Link |
NOC:Understanding Design Thinking and People Centred Design |
Lecture 20 - Create a Pitch for your Design |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 1 - Introduction: Highlights of Developing SS Course - 1-24 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 2 - Introduction: Highlights of Developing SS Course - 25-48 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 3 - MIND-SET-1: Definitions and Types |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 4 - MIND-SET-2: Learning Mindsets |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 5 - MIND-SET-3: Secrets of Developing Growth Mindsets |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 6 - Managing Time-1: Importance of Time and Understanding Perceptions of Time |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 7 - Managing Time-2: Using Time Efficiently |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 8 - Handling Delay-1: Understanding Procrastination |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 9 - Handling Delay-2: Overcoming Procrastination |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 10 - Assertiveness - 1: Dont Say Yes to Make Others Happy! |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 11 - Assertiveness - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 12 - Assertiveness - 3 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 13 - Managing Negative Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 14 - Channelizing Positive Emotions - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 15 - Channelizing Positive Emotions - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 16 - People Skills-1-What Makes Others Dislike You |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 17 - People Skills-2-What Makes Others Like You - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 18 - People Skills-3:What Makes Others Like You - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 19 - People Skills-4-Being Attractive - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 20 - People Skills-5-Being Attractive - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 21 - English Skills: 1-Common Errors - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 22 - English Skills-2: Common Errors - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 23 - English Skills-3: Common Errors - 3 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 24 - English Skills-4: Common Errors - 4 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 25 - English Skills-5: Common Errors - 5 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 26 - Significance of Humour in Communication - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 27 - Humour in the Workplace |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 28 - Function of Humour in the Workplace |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 29 - Money and Personality |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 30 - Managing Money |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 31 - Health and Personality |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 32 - Managing Health-1 Importance of Exercise |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 33 - Managing Health-2 Diet and Sleep |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 34 - Love and Personality |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 35 - Managing Love |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 36 - Ethics and Etiquette |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 37 - Business Etiquette |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 38 - Managing Mind and Memory |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 39 - Improving Memory |
Link |
NOC:Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality |
Lecture 40 - Care for Environment |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 1 - Introduction: What is Postcolonialism? |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 2 - Commonwealth Literature |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 3 - Colonial Discourse Analysis: Michel Foucault |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 4 - Colonial Discourse Analysis: Edward Said |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 5 - Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 6 - Colonialism: The African Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 7 - Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart - I |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 8 - Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart - II |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 9 - Decolonisation and the Discourse of Nationalism |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 10 - Sonnets of Henry Derozio |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 11 - Raja Rao's Kanthapura - I |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 12 - Raja Rao's Kanthapura - II |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 13 - Critics of Nationalism: Rabindranath Tagore and Frantz Fanon |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 14 - Homi Bhabha and the concept of Cultural Hybridity |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 15 - Caribbean Poetry: Derek Walcott |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 16 - Diasporic Literature: Selections from Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 17 - Gayatri C. Spivak: Answering the question Can the Subaltern Speak? |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 18 - Mahasweta Devi's Pterodactyl - I |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 19 - Mahasweta Devi's Pterodactyl - II |
Link |
NOC:Postcolonial Literature |
Lecture 20 - Conclusion: Postcolonial Futures |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 1 - What is Modern Art? |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 2 - Pre-history of Modern Art |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 3 - Chronology of Modern Western Art |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 4 - Beginning(s) of Modern Art 1 (Romanticism and Realism) |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 5 - Beginning(s) of Modern Art 2 (Impressionism and Post - Impressionism) |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 6 - Fauvism and Matisse |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 7 - Cubism and Picasso |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 8 - Futurism and Dada-ism |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 9 - Surrealism |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 10 - German Expressionism |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 11 - Rodin the precursor of Modern Sculpture |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 12 - From Figuration to Abstract (Henry Moore and Brancusi) |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 13 - Pure Abstract Sculpture (Constructivism and Minimalism) |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 14 - Introspection and Innovations (Giacometti and Calder) |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 15 - Outdoor Sculpture and Public Art |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 16 - Abstract Painting (Picasso, Paul Klee, Mondrian) |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 17 - Abstract Expressionism |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 18 - Art and Optical Science: Op Art |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 19 - Art and the Mass Culture: Pop Art |
Link |
NOC:Introducing Modern Western Art: Movements and Artists |
Lecture 20 - Contemporary Trends: Breaking the Barriers |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 1 - Cognition, Emotion and Transformation |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 2 - Self and Others |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 3 - Human Cognition |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 4 - Cognition and Human Behaviour |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 5 - Human Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 6 - Understanding Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 7 - Stories from the Brain |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 8 - Stories from the Brain (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 9 - Humans and Madness |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 10 - Humans and Madness (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 11 - Vices and Virtues: Understanding Human Behaviour |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 12 - Change and its Context |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 13 - Can we transform? |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 14 - Need for transformation |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 15 - Process of Transformation |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 16 - Biographical models of transformations |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 17 - Biographical narrative of Gandhi |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 18 - Gandhi's process of transformation |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 19 - Transformation and Ethics |
Link |
NOC:Cognition, Transformation and Lives |
Lecture 20 - Transformation and Society |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 1 - Introductory Lecture |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 2 - What is Visual Perception? |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 3 - Visual Perception and Visual Reality |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 4 - Visual Perception and Creativity - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 5 - Visual Perception and Creativity - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 6 - Child art |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 7 - Pre-historic art |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 8 - Folk art |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 9 - Primitive art |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 10 - Photography |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 11 - Popular visual culture |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 12 - Mimetic and Non-mimetic art |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 13 - Traditional art: India |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 14 - Traditional art: China and Japan |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 15 - Realistic art of the West |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 16 - Alternative realism |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 17 - Breakthrough in Visual Perception |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 18 - Abstract art - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 19 - Abstract art - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Visual Perception and Art - A Survey Across the Cultures |
Lecture 20 - Contemporary art: Challenges of Visual |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 2 - A Brief History of Cognitive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 3 - A Brief History of Cognitive Psychology (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 4 - Foundational Assumptions of Cognitive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 5 - Foundations of Cognitive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 6 - Foundations of Cognitive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 7 - Approaches towards Cognitive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 8 - Modularity and Cognitive Neuropsychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 9 - Basic Concepts in Cognitive Neuroscience |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 10 - The Cerebral Cortex |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 11 - Basics of Research Methods |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 12 - Research Methods in Cognitive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 13 - Sensation and Perception |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 14 - Psychophysics: Measuring Sensation |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 15 - Signal Detection Theory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 16 - Physiology of Visual Perception |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 17 - Representation in Perception |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 18 - Approaches to Visual Perception - 1 |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 19 - Approaches to Visual Perception - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 20 - Approaches to Visual Perception - 3 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 21 - Theories of Object Recognition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 22 - Perception and Action |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 23 - Auditory Perception - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 24 - Auditory Perception - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 25 - Attention - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 26 - Attention - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 27 - Attention - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 28 - Attention - IV |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 29 - Memory - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 30 - Memory - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 31 - Memory - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 32 - Memory - IV |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 33 - Memory - V |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 34 - Memory - VI |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 35 - Memory - VII |
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NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 36 - Everyday Memory and Memory Errors |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 37 - Disorders for Perception and Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 38 - Disorders of Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Basic Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 39 - Summary and Q & A |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Numbers |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 2 - Countability and Uncountability |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 3 - Examples of Irrational numbers |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 4 - Functions |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 5 - Limits of Functions - I |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 6 - Limits of Functions - II |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 7 - Continuous Functions |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 8 - Intermediate Value Theorem |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 9 - Maximum Value Theorem |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 10 - Supremum and Infimum |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 11 - Derivative of a Function |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 12 - Rules of Differentiation |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 13 - Maxima and Minima |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 14 - Rolles Theorem and Lagrange Mean Value Theorem (MVT) |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 15 - Monotonic Functions and Inverse Functions |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 16 - Newton’s Method for solving Equations |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 17 - Optimization Problems |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 18 - Integration-I : In the style of Newton and Leibnitz |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 19 - Integration-II : In the spirit of Newton and Leibnitz |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 20 - Integration-III : Newton and Leibnitz Style |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 21 - Integration theory of Riemann - I |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 22 - Integration theory of Riemann - II |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 23 - Integration Rule |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 24 - Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (in Riemann style) |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 25 - The Kurzweil-Henstock Integral (K-H Integral) |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 26 - Calculating Indefinite Integrals |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 27 - Improper Integral - I |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 28 - Improper Integral - II |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 29 - Application of Definite Integral - I |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 30 - Application of definite Integral - II |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 31 - Application of definite Integral - III |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 32 - Application of definite Integral - III (Continued......) |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 33 - Numerical Integration - I |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 34 - Numerical Integration - II |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 35 - Sequences |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 36 - Sequences (Continued...) |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 37 - Infinite Series |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 38 - infinite series (Continued...) |
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NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 39 - Taylors Theorem, other issues and end of the course - I |
Link |
NOC:Calculus of One Real Variable |
Lecture 40 - Taylors Theorem, other issues and end of the course - II |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 1 - What is Economics ? |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 2 - Resources, Wants and Scarcity |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 3 - Allocation, Command, Market and Mixed Economy |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 4 - Individual |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 5 - Rationality, Self Interest and Optimization |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 6 - Branches of Economics |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 7 - Introduction to Demand and Supply |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 8 - Demand |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 9 - Demand:Effect of Substitutes and Complements |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 10 - Market Demand Function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 11 - Factors Affecting Demand |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 12 - Supply and Market Supply |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 13 - Supply: Effect of Substitutes and Complements |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 14 - Factors Affecting Supply |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 15 - Market Equilibrium |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 16 - Few Examples |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 17 - Application: Price Control |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 18 - Consumer Surplus |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 19 - Producer Surplus |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 20 - Total Surplus |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 21 - Effect of Price Control on Surplus |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 22 - Implications of Market Equilibrium |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 23 - Price Elasticity of Demand |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 24 - Elastic, Inelastic and Unit- elastic Demand |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 25 - Perfectly Elastic and Perfectly Inelastic Demand |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 26 - More on Elasticity |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 27 - Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Demand |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 28 - Effect of Taxation |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 29 - Tax Imposed on Seller |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 30 - Incidence of Tax |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 31 - Incidence of Tax: Four Extremes |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 32 - Incidence of Tax: Effect on Surplus |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 33 - Towards Consumer Theory |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 34 - Budget Line and Budget Set |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 35 - Factors Affecting the Budget Line |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 36 - Few Examples of Changes in Budget Line |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 37 - Consumption Set |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 38 - Convexity of Consumption Set |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 39 - Describing Utility |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 40 - Some Axioms |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 41 - Preferences as a Mathematical Construct |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 42 - Rationality in Real Life Vs. Rationality in Economics |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 43 - More on Three Axioms of Rationality |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 44 - Defining Utility Function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 45 - Ordinal Vs. Cardinal Utility |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 46 - Properties of Preferences: Continuity |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 47 - Indifference Set |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 48 - Indifference Curve |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 49 - Behavioural Assumption: More is Better |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 50 - Properties of Preferences: Convexity |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 51 - Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS) |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 52 - DMRS and Convexity: Example |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 53 - Summary |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 54 - Utility Maximization |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 55 - Utility Maximization: tangency criterion |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 56 - More on Utility Maximization |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 57 - Utility Maximization: Example |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 58 - Example Revisited |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 59 - Marginal Utility Vs. Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS) |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 60 - Perfect Substitutes |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 61 - Perfect Complements |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 62 - An Example with Quasi Linear Preferences |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 63 - Demand Revisited |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 64 - Effect of Income on Quantity Demanded |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 65 - Effect of Change in Price |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 66 - Substitution Effect and Income Effect |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 67 - Giffen Good |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 68 - Expenditure Minimization as a Dual Problem of Utility Maximization |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 69 - Marshallian and Hicksian Demand Function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 70 - Slutsky Equation |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 71 - An Application: Subsidy Vs. Direct Benefit Transfer |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 72 - Towards Producer Theory |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 73 - Technology or Production Function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 74 - Isoquants |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 75 - Few Axioms Related to Technology |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 76 - Axioms/ Assumptions Continued |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 77 - Production in Short Run |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 78 - Average and Marginal Product of Labour (APL and MPL) |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 79 - More on APL and MPL |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 80 - Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 81 - Production in Long Run |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 82 - MRTS: Few Examples |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 83 - Decreasing MRTS |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 84 - Elasticity of Substitution |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 85 - Returns to Scale |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 86 - Elasticity of Scale |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 87 - Economic Terminology: Opportunity Cost |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 88 - Economic Terminology: Sunk Cost |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 89 - Economic Terminology: Economic Profit and Accounting Profit |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 90 - Diminishing Marginal Product Vs. DMRTS |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 91 - Returns to Scale through Graphs |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 92 - Cost in Long Run |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 93 - Cost Minimization |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 94 - Cost Minimization: Few Examples |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 95 - Cost Minimization: Cobb-Douglas Production Function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 96 - More on Cost Minimization |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 97 - Cost Function in the Long Run |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 98 - Cost in Short Run: TC, FC and VC |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 99 - Cost in Short Run: MC |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 100 - Shape of Cost Curves |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 101 - Factor Demand Function |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 102 - Output Expansion Path |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 103 - Cost Revisited: Quasi Fixed Cost |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 104 - Cobb-Douglas Function: Cost and Returns to Scale |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 105 - Short Run Vs. Long Run Cost Minimization |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 106 - Short Run Vs. Long Run Cost Minimization Through Graphs |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 107 - Average Cost in Short Run Vs. Long Run |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 108 - Short Run Marginal Cost Vs. Long Run Marginal Cost |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 109 - Profit Maximization |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 110 - Marginal Revenue |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 111 - Profit Maximization in Short Run Through Graphs |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 112 - Profit Maximization in Short Run Through Algebra and Calculus |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 113 - Market Environment |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 114 - Perfectly Competitive Market |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 115 - Supply Curve |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 116 - An example obtaining the short run supply function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 117 - Two Interpretation of Supply Function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 118 - Profit maximization implies cost minimization |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 119 - Producer’s Surplus Revisited |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 120 - Profit Maximization and Returns to Scale |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 121 - Short Run Supply Vs. Long Run Supply |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 122 - Long Run Equilibrium and Supply Function |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 123 - Introduction to Monopoly |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 124 - Marginal Revenue of the Monopolist |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 125 - Monopoly: Price Elasticity of the Demand and MR |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 126 - Profit Maximization for the Monopolist |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 127 - Inverse Elasticity Pricing Rule |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 128 - Profit Maximization for the Monopolist through Graph |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 129 - No Supply Function for Monopoly |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 130 - Monopoly: Comparative Statics |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 131 - Imposition of the Tax on the Monopolist |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 132 - Welfare Effects of Monopoly Pricing |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 133 - Price Discrimination |
Link |
NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 134 - Monopoly: Example |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 135 - Responses from Policy Makers |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 136 - Introduction to Oligopoly |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 137 - Nash Equilibrium |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 138 - Cournot Model of Duopoly |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 139 - Stackelberg Model of Duopoly |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 140 - Bertrand Model of Duopoly |
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NOC:An Introduction to Microeconomics |
Lecture 141 - Market Environment: Comparison Table |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 1 - Preface, Outline and Course Structure |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 2 - Knowledge - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 3 - Knowledge - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 4 - Knowledge - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 5 - Knowledge - IV |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 6 - Knowledge - V |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 7 - Visual Imagery - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 8 - Visual Imagery - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 9 - Cognitive Maps |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 10 - Mental Imagery |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 11 - Language: Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 12 - Language: Historical Background |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 13 - Evolution of Language |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 14 - Language Acquisition - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 15 - Language Acquisition - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 16 - Language Comprehension - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 17 - Language Comprehension - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 18 - Language Production |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 19 - Reading - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 20 - Reading - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 21 - Aphasia |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 22 - Bilingualism |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 23 - Reasoning and Decision Making - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 24 - Reasoning and Decision Making - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 25 - Reasoning and Decision Making - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 26 - Problem Solving - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 27 - Problem Solving - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 28 - Problem Solving - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 29 - Problem Solving - IV |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 30 - Creativity |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 31 - Cognition and Emotion - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 32 - Cognition and Emotion - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 33 - Cognition and Emotion - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 34 - Cognition and Emotion - IV |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 35 - Cognition and Emotion - V |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 36 - Cognitive Development - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 37 - Cognitive Development - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 38 - Cognitive Development - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 39 - Cognitive Development - IV |
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NOC:Introduction to Advanced Cognitive Processes |
Lecture 40 - Summary and Conclusion |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 1 - Introduction: What is Literary Theory? |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 2 - Literature and Mimesis: Plato - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 3 - Literature and Mimesis: Plato - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 4 - Literature and Mimesis: Aristotle - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 5 - Literature and Mimesis: Aristotle - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 6 - Literature and the Sublime |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 7 - Neoclassical Literary Theory |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 8 - Literature and Romanticism - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 9 - Literature and Romanticism - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 10 - New Criticism |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 11 - Formalism |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 12 - Dialogism I |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 13 |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 14 - Reader Response Theory I: The Phenomenological Tradition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 15 - Reader Response Theory II: Wolfgang Iser, Harold Bloom, and Stanley Fish |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 16 - Structuralism I: Ferdinand de Saussure |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 17 - Structuralism II: Claude Lévi-Strauss |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 18 - Poststructuralism I: Roland Barthes |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 19 - Poststructuralism II: Jacques Derrida |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 20 - Poststructuralism III: Michel Foucault |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 21 - Marxist Literary Theory I: Marx and Brecht |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 22 - Marxist Literary Theory II: Althusser and Gramsci |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 23 - Marxist Literary Theory III: Raymond Williams |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 24 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - I |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 25 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - II |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 26 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - III |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 27 - Literature and Psychoanalysis IV: Carl Jung |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 28 - Literature and Psychoanalysis V: Jacques Lacan |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 29 - Feminism and Literature I: Mary Wollstonecraft |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 30 - Feminism and Literature II: Woolf and de Beauvoir |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 31 - Feminism and Literature III: Gynocriticism, Écriture Feminine, Judith Butler |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 32 - Modernism and Postmodernism |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 33 - Postcolonial Theory I: Edward Said |
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NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 34 - Postcolonial Theory II: Bhabha and Spivak |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory |
Lecture 35 - Conclusion |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 1 - On Emergence and Growth of Sociology in India |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 2 - On Emergence and Growth of Sociology in India |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 3 - On Indigenization of Sociology |
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NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 4 - On Indigenization of Sociology |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 5 - On Civilizational Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 6 - On Civilizational perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 7 - On Indological perspective |
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NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 8 - On Indological perspective: A |
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NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 9 - On Marxian perspective |
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NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 10 - On Marxian perspective: A |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 11 - Structural-functional perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 12 - Structural-functional perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 13 - On Environmental Perspective |
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NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 14 - On Environmental Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 15 - On Gender perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 16 - On Gender perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 17 - Subaltern perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 18 - Subaltern perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 19 - On Dalit Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Development of Sociology in India |
Lecture 20 - On Dalit Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Language |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 2 - Basic Concepts in Psycholinguistics |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 3 - Animal Communication |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 4 - Evolution of Language |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 5 - Language and Thought |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 6 - Do children talk ? And How ? |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 7 - The First Steps in Language Acquisition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 8 - Segmenting the speech stream |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 9 - Learning Word - Meanings |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 10 - Acquiring Morphological and Syntactic Knowledge |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 11 - Speech Production - 1 |
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NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 12 - Speech Production - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 13 - Speech Production - 3 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 14 - Speech Comprehension - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 15 - Speech Comprehension - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 16 - Understanding Word Meaning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 17 - Word Meaning and Lexical Access |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 18 - Lexical Access |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 19 - Ambiguity and Representation of Meaning in the Brain |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 20 - Meaning in the Brain |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 21 - What is a sentence ? |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 22 - Parsing Sentences - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 23 - Parsing Sentences - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 24 - Parsing Sentences - 3 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 25 - Parsing Sentences - 4 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 26 - Reading - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 27 - Theories of Reading |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 28 - Cognitive Processes in Reading |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 29 - Recognising Visual Words |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 30 - Dyslexia |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 31 - Neural Basis of Word Meaning |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 32 - Neural Basis of Language Comprehension |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 33 - Neural Basis of Language Comprehension |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 34 - Neural Basis of Language Comprehension and Production |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 35 - Aphasia |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 36 - Bilingualism - 1 |
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NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 37 - Bilingualism - 2 |
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NOC:Introduction to the Pyschology of Language |
Lecture 38 - Bilingualism - 3 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Population Studies |
Link |
NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 2 - Population Ecology / Geography |
Link |
NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 3 - Population Growth |
Link |
NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 4 - Population Growth and Development |
Link |
NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 5 - Population Dynamics - 1 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 6 - Population Dynamics - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 7 - Population Policies |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 8 - Population Policy in India |
Link |
NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 9 - Population and Family Welfare - 1 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 10 - Population and Family Welfare - 2 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 11 - Techniques of Population Analysis - 1 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 12 - Techniques of Population Analysis - 2 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 13 - Population and Society |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 14 - Population and Society |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 15 - Statistical Techniques in Population Studies - 1 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 16 - Statistical Techniques in Population Studies - 2 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 17 - Population Growth and Women - 1 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 18 - Population Growth and Women - 2 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 19 - Population Concepts and Aging - 1 |
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NOC:Population Studies |
Lecture 20 - Population Concepts and Aging - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 1 - Understanding Psychology |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 2 - Psychology and Psychiatry |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 3 - Understanding day-to-day behaviour - I |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 4 - Understanding day-to-day behaviour - II |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 5 - Revisiting normal-abnormal dilemma - I |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 6 - Revisiting normal-abnormal dilemma - II |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 7 - Revisiting normal-abnormal dilemma - III |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 8 - Revisiting normal-abnormal dilemma - IV |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 9 - Issues confronting the young adults - I and II |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 10 - Issues confronting the young adults - III and IV |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 11 - Mental health issues of adults - I and II |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 12 - Mental health issues of adults - III |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 13 - Mental health issues of adults - IV |
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NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 14 - Mental health issues of child and adolescents - I and II |
Link |
NOC:Psychology of Everyday |
Lecture 15 - Mental health issues of child and adolescents - III and IV |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 1 - A Brief History of Cognitive Neuroscience |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 2 - A Brief History of Cognitive Neuroscience (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 3 - Structure and Function of the Nervous System |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 4 - Neuronal communication |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 5 - An Overview of the Nervous System |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 6 - The Cerebral Cortex |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 7 - Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 8 - Studying the Damaged Brain |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 9 - Structural Analysis of the Brain |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 10 - Measuring Structure and Function Together in the Brain |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 11 - Neuroscience of Sensation and Perception |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 12 - Olfaction |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 13 - Somatosensation |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 14 - Vision |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 15 - Moving beyond Sensation |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 16 - Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 17 - Models of Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 18 - Neural Mechanisms of Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 19 - Mechanisms of Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 20 - Networks of Attention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 21 - Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 22 - Mechanisms of Memory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 23 - The Medial Temporal Lobe Memory System |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 24 |
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NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 25 |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 26 - Emotion |
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NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 27 - Categorizing Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 28 - Emotions and Other Cognitive Processes |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 29 - Emotions and other Cognitive Processes (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 30 - Cognitive Control of Emotions |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 31 - Cognitive Neuroscience of Language |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 32 - Language in the Human Brain |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 33 - Language Comprehension - I |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 34 - Language Comprehension - II |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 35 - Neural Models of Language |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 36 - Neuroscience of Social Cognition |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 37 - Theory of Mind: Understanding Other’s Mental States |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 38 - Neural Correlates of Mental State Attribution |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 39 - Autism and Mental State Attribution |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Brain and Behaviour |
Lecture 40 - Social Knowledge in Social Cognition |
Link |
NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 1 - Overview of Modern Indian Art |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 2 - Advent of the British Colonial Rule |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 3 - Company Painting - A new genre in Indian Art |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 4 - Kalighat Painting - from folk art to urban milieu |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 5 - Raja Ravi Varma, Amrita Sher-Gil, Jamini Roy: In search of Indian Identity |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 6 - Early Modern Indian Sculpture |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 7 - Nationalism, Rabindranath Tagore and Bengal School |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 8 - Calcutta - the happening center of modern Indian art |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 9 - Santiniketan - the alternative modernism Nandalal and Benode Behari |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 10 - Santiniketan - the alternative modernism Ramkinkar and Rabindranath |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 11 - 1940s - a different social reality |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 12 - Calcutta Groups and Bombay Progressive Artists Group |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 13 - Post Independent Sculpture |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 14 - Diversities in style and content : 1950s onward (I) |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 15 - Diversities in style and content : 1950s onward (II) |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 16 - Abstraction in modern Indian art |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 17 - Neo figuration and the narrative trends |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 18 - Folk Art and Modernism |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 19 - Breaking the barriers: Unconventional mediums and ideas |
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NOC:Modern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the Present |
Lecture 20 - Experiments Innovations: Past and Future |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Japanese Scripts |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 2 - Jikou Shoukai じこう しょうかい |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 3 - Dochira kara desu ka? どちら から です か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 4 - Senmon wa nan desu ka? 専門 は なん です か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 5 - Kore wa hon desu. これ は 本 です。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 6 - Are wa nan desu ka? あれ は 何 です か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 7 - Ikura desu ka? いくら です か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 8 - Ima nan-ji desu ka? 今 何時 です か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 9 - Kaigi wa roku-ji han kara desu. 会議 は 六時 半 から です。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 10 - Ashita Tōkyō e ikimasu. 明日 東京 へ 行きます。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 11 - Watashi wa mainichi roku-ji ni okimasu. 私は 毎日 六時 に おきます。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 12 - Itsu Kanpur e kimashita ka? いつ カラプル へ 来ました か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 13 - Yūbinkyoku wa asoko ni arimasu. 湯便局 は あそこ に あります。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 14 - Rao san wa doko ni imasu ka? ラオ さん は どこ に います か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 15 - Pikunikku e ikimashō. ピクニック へ いきましょう。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 16 - Kesa pan to tamago o tabemashita. 今朝 パン と たまご を 食べました。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 17 - Depa-to no tonari no biru wa ginkō desu. でパート の となり の ビル は 銀行 です。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 18 - Taj hoteru wa ookii hoteru desu. タジ ホテル は 大きい ホテル です。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 19 - Hoteru de nani o tabemashita ka? ホテル で なに を 食べました か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 20 - Tōkyō wa ōki kute kirei desu. 東京 は 大きくて きれい です。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 21 - Ko-hi- wa oishiku arimasen. コーヒー は おいしく ありません。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 22 - Hantai Kotoba ( Opposites) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 23 - Watashi wa mainichi miruku o nomimasu. 私は 毎日 ミルク を 飲みます。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 24 - Watashi wa oniisan ni kamera o moratta. 私は お兄さん に カメラ を もらった。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 25 - Nani o tabetai desu ka? 何 を 食べたい です か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 26 - Nani o sashiagemasu ka? なに を さしあげます か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 27 - Sensei wa watashi ni hon o kuremashita. 先生 は 私 に 本 を くれました。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 28 - Watashi wa pikunikku e ikitakunai. 私は ピクニック へ 行きたくない。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 29 - Chotto matte kudasai. ちょっと まって ください。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 30 - Ke-ki o tabete mite kudasai. ケーキ を 食べて みて ください。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 31 - Heya ni nani ga arimasu ka? 部屋 に 何 が あります か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 32 - Nani o shite imasu ka? 何 を しています か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 33 - Tōkyō ni sunde imasu. 東京 に すんで います。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 34 - Kanji ga kakemasu. 漢字 が かけます。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 35 - Imōto wa ningyō o hoshigatte imasu. いもうと は にんぎょう を ほしがっています。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 36 - Watashi wa Aisukuri-mu ga daisuki desu. 私は アイスクリーム が 大好き です。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 37 - Aisukuri-mu ga ke-ki yori suki desu. アイスクリーム が ケーキ より 好き です。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 38 - Kutsu o kai ni ikimasu. くつ を かいに いきます。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 39 - Ashita motto atsuku narimasu. 明日 もっと あつく なります。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 40 - Rainen Tōkyō e iku to omoimasu. 来年 東京 へ 行く と 思います。 |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 41 - Pen de kaite mo ii desu ka. ペン で 書いて も いい です か? |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 42 - New Expressions |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 43 - Revision |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 44 - Kanji I |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture |
Lecture 45 - Kanji II |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Statistics |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Econometrics |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 3 - Organization and Presentation of Data |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 4 - Summarizing Data through Descriptive Statistics |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 5 - Discrete Random Variable and Probability Distribution |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 6 - Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distribution |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 7 - Normal Distribution |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Statistical Inference |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 9 - Estimation - Part I |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 10 - Estimation - Part II |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 11 - Hypothesis Testing - Part I |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 12 - Hypothesis Testing - Part II |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 13 - Hypothesis Testing - Part III |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 14 - Hypothesis Testing - Part IV |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 15 - Relationship between Qualitative Variables |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 16 - Relationship Between Quantitative Variables |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 17 - Analysis of Variance |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 18 - One Way ANOVA |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 19 - Two Way ANOVA |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 20 - Analysis of Covariance |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 21 - Index Numbers - Part I |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 22 - Index Numbers - Part II |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 23 - Classical Time Series Analysis - Part I |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 24 - Classical Time Series Analysis - Part II |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 25 - Classical Linear Regression Model - Part I |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 26 - Classical Linear Regression Model - Part II |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 27 - Classical Linear Regression Model |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 28 - Hypothesis Testing with CNLRM |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 29 - More on Hypothesis Testing and Model Specification |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 30 - Violations of CLRM Assumptions (Heteroskedasticity) |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 31 - Violations of CLRM Assumptions (Autocorrelation and Multicollinearity) |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 32 - Time Series Regression with Stationary Data |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 33 - Time Series Regression with Non-Stationary Data |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 34 - Regression with Dummy Explanatory Variable |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 35 - Dummy Dependent Variable Models - Part I |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 36 - Dummy Dependent Variable Models - Part II |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 37 - Simultaneous Equations Model |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 38 - Panel Data Regression |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 39 - Program Evaluation |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 40 - Data Analysis and Regression with R |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 41 - Regression Involving Dummy Variables in R |
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NOC:Applied Statistics and Econometrics |
Lecture 42 - Time Series Analysis in R |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 1 - Existential Concerns - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 2 - Existential Concerns - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 3 - Emotional wellbeing - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 4 - Emotional wellbeing - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 5 - Personality - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 6 - Personality - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 7 - Simulation and higher order thinking |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 8 - Empathy and emotional intelligence |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 9 - Poetry therapy - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 10 - Poetry therapy - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 11 - Verbal imagery and healing - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 12 - Verbal imagery and healing - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 13 - Rhetoric and prosody - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 14 - Rhetoric and prosody - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 15 - Rhetoric and prosody - III |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 16 - Rhetoric and prosody - IV |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 17 - The psychology of fear and anxiety - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 18 - The psychology of fear and anxiety - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 19 - John Donne, ‘Death be not Proud |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 20 - Robert Frost, The Road not Taken |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 21 - Feeling Weird, Losing Touch - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 22 - Feeling Weird, Losing Touch - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 23 - Alfred Lord Tennyson, Break, Break, Break |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 24 - John Keats, Ode on Melancholy |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 25 - Unclaimed Experiences - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 26 - Unclaimed Experiences - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 27 - Maya Angelou, Still I Rise |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 28 - Elizabeth Murphy, The Night That Changed Everything |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 29 - Love, Heartbreak, and Healing - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 30 - Love, Heartbreak, and Healing - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 31 - Robert Browning, The Last Ride Together |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 32 - Derek Walcott, The Fist |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 33 - The Culture of Escape: Elusion or Illusion? - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 34 - The Culture of Escape: Elusion or Illusion? - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 35 - Charles Baudelaire, Be Drunk |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 36 - Charles Bukowski, The Suicide Kid |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 37 - Mimetic Desire and the Possessed Body - I |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 38 - Mimetic Desire and the Possessed Body - II |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 39 - Carol Ann Duffy, The Diet |
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NOC:Literature and Coping Skills |
Lecture 40 - Marty McConnell, Instructions for a Body |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 1 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 2 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 3 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 3 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 4 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 4 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 5 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 5 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 6 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 6 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 7 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 7 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 8 - Indian Economy - Economic Planning - 8 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 9 - Indian Economy - Agriculture Policy - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 10 - Indian Economy - Agriculture Policy - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 11 - Indian Economy - Agriculture Policy - 3 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 12 - Indian Economy - Agriculture Policy - 4 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 13 - Indian Economy - Industrial Policy - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 14 - Indian Economy - Industrial Policy - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 15 - Indian Economy - Industrial Policy - 3 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 16 - Indian Economy - Industrial Policy - 4 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 17 - Indian Economy - Service Sector Policy - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 18 - Indian Economy - Service Sector Policy - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 19 - Indian Economy - Financial Sector - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 20 - Indian Economy - Financial Sector - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 21 - Indian Economy - Financial Sector - 3 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 22 - Indian Economy - Financial Sector - 4 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 23 - Indian Economy - Financial Sector - 5 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 24 - Indian Economy - Financial Sector - 6 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 25 - Indian Economy - Indian Banking Crisis - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 26 - Indian Economy - Indian Banking Crisis - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 27 - Indian Economy - Indian Banking Crisis - 3 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 28 - Indian Economy - Financial Inclusion |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 29 - Indian Economy - Monetary Policy - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 30 - Indian Economy - Monetary Policy - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 31 - Indian Economy - Monetary Policy - 3 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 32 - Indian Economy - Monetary Policy - 4 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 33 - Indian Economy - Monetary Policy - 5 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 34 - Indian Economy - Fiscal Policy - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 35 - Indian Economy - Fiscal Policy - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 36 - Indian Economy - India and WTO - 1 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 37 - Indian Economy - India and WTO - 2 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 38 - Indian Economy - India and WTO - 3 |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 39 - Indian Economy - India's Economic Outlook (2020-21) |
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NOC:Indian Economy: Some Contemporary Perspectives |
Lecture 40 - Indian Economy - Union Budget (2021-22) |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 1 - Japanese scripts |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 2 - Watashi wa Tanaka desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 3 - Dochira kara desu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 4 - Pen wa watashi no desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 5 - Watashi mo gakusei desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 6 - Nan sai desu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 7 - Ikura desu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 8 - Irasshaimase |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 9 - Nan-ji desu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 10 - Kyou wa getsuyoubi desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 11 - Doko desu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 12 - Tanjoubi wa itsu desu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 13 - Nan-ji ni okimasu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 14 - Tokyo e ikimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 15 - Expressions |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 16 - Itsu Nihon ni kimashita ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 17 - Hon wa asoko ni arimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 18 - Yuubinkyouku wa hon-ya no tonari ni arimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 19 - Nan nin imasu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 20 |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 21 - Ashita kurabu e ikimasen ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 22 - Kocha wa oishii desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 23 - Iroiro na hito ni aimashita |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 24 - Tanaka san onegaishimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 25 - Tanaka san irashshaimasu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 26 - Tokyo wa ookikute kirei na machi desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 27 - Pa-ti wa tanoshikatta desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 28 - Raigetsu Amerika e ikimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 29 - Verbs 1 |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 30 - Verbs 2 |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 31 - Imouto ni kamera o agemashita |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 32 - Sensei ni pen o sashiagemashita |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 33 - Tomodachi wa hana o kuremashita |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 34 - Hawaii e ikitakunai desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 35 - Nanika tabetai desu ka? |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 36 - Dokoemo ikitakunai desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 37 - Chotto matte kudasai |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 38 - Mata irashite kudasai |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 39 - Omiyage o tsutsumanaide kudasai |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 40 - Watashi wa aisukurimu ga suki desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 41 - Nihongo no jishou ga hoshii desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 42 - Rainen kuni e kaeru tsumori desu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 43 - Hikouki to shinkansen to dochira no houga hayai desu ka? |
Link |
NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 44 - Kurasu no naka de dare ga ichiban kashikoi desu ka? |
Link |
NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 45 - Kore wa tanaka san no jishou da to omoimasu |
Link |
NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 46 - Kasa wa eigo de nan to iimasu ka? |
Link |
NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 47 - Watashi ha Nihongo ga yomemasen |
Link |
NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 48 - Watashi wa kanji o kaku koto ga dekimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 49 - Sonna koto iwanaide kudasai |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 50 - Watashiwa kuruma o unten suru toki ongaku o kikimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 51 - Kanji o kaku koto ga dekimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 52 - Shousetsu o yomu tame ni toshoukan e ikimasu |
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NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 53 - Shashin o totte mo ii desu ka? |
Link |
NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 54 - Mainichi kaisha ni ikanakereba narimasen |
Link |
NOC:Japani Bhasha - Saral Swaroop |
Lecture 55 - Tanaka san wa yoku hatarakimasu |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 1 - Kore wa watashi no hon desu (This is my book) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 2 - Ima nan ji desu ka? (What is the time now?) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 3 - Hon wa tsukue no ue ni arimasu (The book is on the table) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 4 - Ashita kurabu e ikimasen ka? (Will you please come to the club tomorrow?) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 5 - Kodoma-tachi wa ima asonde imasu (Children are playing now) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 6 - Kodomotachi wa asonde kara benkyou shimasu (Children will study after playing) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 7 - Douzo meshiagatte kudasai (Please eat it) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 8 - Tabete mite kudasai (Please eat and see) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 9 - Koko de tabenaide kudasai (Please do not eat here) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 10 - Hitori de ikimasu ka? (Will you go alone?) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 11 - Irasshaimase ! (Welcome !) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 12 - Shiken wa dou deshita ka? (How was the exam?) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 13 - Tomodachi wa tanjoubi ni hana o kuremashita (My friend gave me flowers on my birthday) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 14 - Tomodachi wa ke-ki o tsukutte kuremashita (My friend made a cake and gave it to me) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 15 - Kimura to moushimasu (I am Kimura) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 16 - O-genki desu ka ? (How are you ?) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 17 - Kare wa 'happyou wa ashita desu' to iimashita (He said, 'the presentation is tomorrow) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 18 - Tanaka to iu hito ni aimashita (I met a person called Tanaka) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 19 - Tomodachi ga kuru to omoimasu (I think my friend will come) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 20 - Watashi wa hitori de ikemasu (I can go alone) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 21 - Ikka-getsu de dekimasu (I can do it in one mouth) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 22 - Kare wa Indo no shuukan no koto o yoku shitte imasu (He know a lot about Indian customs) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 23 - Aisatsu (Greetings) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 24 - Aisatsu (Greetings) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 25 - Chokore-to yori aisukuri-mu ga suki desu (I like ice cream more than chocolate) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 26 - Dochira ga suki desu ka ? (Which do you like ?) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 27 - Mira san asobi ni irashite kudasai (Mira san please visit us) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 28 - Houmon (Visiting) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 29 - Pen de kaite mo ii desu ka ? (Can I write with a pen?) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 30 - Konakute mo ii desu ka ? (Is is alright if I do not come ?) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 31 - Nani mo tabetakunai desu (I do not want to eat anything) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 32 - Watashi wa eiwa jiten ga hoshii desu (I want an English-Japanese dictionary) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 33 - Rainen kekkon suru tsumori desu (I intend to get married next year) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 34 - Soto wa kuraku narimashita (It has become dark outside) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 35 - Kyuujitai and Shinjitai |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 36 - Nihon e itta koto ga arimasu (I have been to Japan) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 37 - Minikui ahiru no ko - I (Ugly duckling - I) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 38 - Minikui ahiru no ko - II (Ugly duckling - II) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 39 - Working in Japan |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 40 - Haru ni naru to sakura ga saku (When it is spring cherry blossoms will bloom) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 41 - Mira wa konai kamoshirenai (Mira may not come) |
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NOC:Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture-II |
Lecture 42 - Okane ga attara uchi o kaimasu (If I have money I will buy a house) |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 1 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 2 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 3 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 4 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 5 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 6 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 7 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 8 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 9 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 10 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 11 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 12 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 13 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 14 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 15 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 16 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 17 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 18 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 19 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 20 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 21 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 22 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 23 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 24 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 25 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 26 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 27 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 28 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 29 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 30 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 31 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 32 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 33 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 34 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 35 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 36 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 37 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 38 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 39 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 40 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 41 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 42 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 43 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 44 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 45 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 46 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 47 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 48 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 49 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 50 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 51 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 52 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 53 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 54 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 55 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 56 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 57 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 58 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 59 |
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NOC:Indian Art: Materials, Techniques and Artistic Practices |
Lecture 60 |
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NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 1 - उसने कहा था' कहानी की अंतर्वस्तु |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 2 - उसने कहा था' कहानी की शिल्प योजना |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 3 - सदगति' कहानी का भाव पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 4 - सदगति' कहानी की रूप योजना |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 5 - शरणदाता' कहानी की अंतर्वस्तु |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 6 - शरणदाता' कहानी का रूप पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 7 - मलबे का मालिक' कहानी की अंतर्वस्तु |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 8 - मलबे का मालिक' कहानी का शिल्पगत महत्व |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 9 - पत्नी' कहानी का भाव पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 10 - पत्नी' कहानी का रूप पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 11 - वापसी' कहानी की अंतर्वस्तु |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 12 - वापसी' कहानी का शिल्प पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 13 - जिंदगी और जोंक' कहानी का भाव पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 14 - जिंदगी और जोंक' कहानी का शिल्पगत महत्व |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 15 - बदबू' कहानी का भाव पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 16 - बदबू' कहानी का कला पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 17 - चीफ की दावत' कहानी का भाव पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 18 - चीफ की दावत' कहानी का रूप पक्ष |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 19 - घंटा' कहानी की अंतर्वस्तु |
Link |
NOC:प्रमुख हिंदी कहानियां और भारतीय समाज |
Lecture 20 - घंटा' कहानी का शिल्पगत महत्व |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Decision Support Systems (DSS) |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 2 - Characteristics and Capabilities of DSS |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 3 - Misconception and Components of DSS |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 4 - Decision Process |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 5 - Overview of Database Management Systems |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 6 - Introduction to Modelbase Management Systems |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 7 - Introduction to User Interface System |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 8 - Principles of Graphical User Interface |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 9 - Introduction to Database |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 10 - Reasons behind using DBMS |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 11 - Concepts and Architecture of Database Systems |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 12 - Entity Relationship |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 13 - Entity Relationship Diagrams |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 14 - Translation of ER Diagram to DB |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 15 - Database Normalization |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 16 - More SQL Commands |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 17 - Big Data: An Overview |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 18 - Big Data Analytics Team |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 19 - Big Data Analytics Lifecycle - Phase 1 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 20 - Big Data Analytics Lifecycle - Phase 2 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 21 - Big Data Analytics Lifecycle - Phase 3 and 4 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 22 - Big Data Analytics Lifecycle - Phase 5 and 6 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 23 - Big Data Analytics Tools and Software - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 24 - Big Data Analytics Tools and Software - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 25 - Big Data Analytics Tools and Software - Part 3 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 26 - Big Data Analytics Tools and Software - Part 4 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 27 - Big Data Analytics Lifecycle - Case Study |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 28 - Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 29 - Structure of BDA in IIoT |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 30 - BDA in IIoT, Gas Pipeline Case Study |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 31 - BDA in IIoT, RR Engine Case Study |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 32 - DSS in CAD/CAM |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 33 - Assembly Tree |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 34 - BDA in Computer Aided Design |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 35 - Product Data Exchange - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 36 - Product Data Exchange - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 37 - DSS in CAM - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 38 - DSS in CAM - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 39 - DSS in Additive Manufacturing |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 40 - Usability and User Interface Design |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 41 - Usability Problems and Usability Design Process |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 42 - Usability Principles |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 43 - HTML as a User Interface Language - 1 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 44 - HTML as a User Interface Language - 2 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 45 - Introduction to PHP |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 46 - Basic Components of PHP |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 47 - More on PHP: Hypertext PreProcessor (PHP) |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 48 - MySQL and PHP - The Backend of Decision Support Systems |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 49 - Forms and PHP - Design of Interactive and Dynamic Applications |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 50 - An Introduction to Networking |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 51 - Data Visualization - Part 1 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 52 - Data Visualization - Part 2 |
Link |
NOC:Computer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial Practices using Big Analytics |
Lecture 53 - Summarizing the Course |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 1 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 2 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 3 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 4 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 5 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 6 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 7 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 8 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 9 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 10 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 11 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 12 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 13 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 14 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 15 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 16 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 17 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 18 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 19 |
Link |
NOC:Introductory Rural Sociology: Continuity and Change |
Lecture 20 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 1 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 2 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 3 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 4 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 5 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 6 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 7 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 8 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 9 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 10 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 11 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 12 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 13 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 14 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 15 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 16 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 17 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 18 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 19 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 20 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 21 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 22 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 23 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 24 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 25 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 26 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 27 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 28 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 29 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 30 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 31 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 32 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 33 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 34 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 35 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 36 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 37 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 38 |
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NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 39 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices |
Lecture 40 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 1 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 2 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 3 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 4 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 5 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 6 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 7 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 8 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 9 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 10 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 11 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 12 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 13 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 14 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 15 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 16 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 17 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 18 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 19 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 20 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 21 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 22 |
Link |
NOC:Moral Thinking: An Introduction to Values and Ethics |
Lecture 23 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 1 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 2 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 3 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 4 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 5 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 6 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 7 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 8 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 9 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 10 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 11 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 12 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 13 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 14 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 15 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 16 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 17 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 18 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 19 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 20 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 21 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 22 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 23 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 24 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 25 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 26 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 27 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 28 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 29 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 30 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 31 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 32 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 33 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 34 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 35 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 36 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 37 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 38 |
Link |
NOC:Psychology Of Bilingualism and Multilingualism |
Lecture 39 |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 1 - Sanitation Practices in a Historical Perspective |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 2 - Sociology in Sanitation: Definition, Scope and Strategies |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 3 - Perspectives on Sociology of Sanitation |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 4 - Research Methodology in Sociology of Sanitation |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 5 - Social Science Concepts Applicable to Sanitation Practices |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 6 - Forms of Sanitation and their Social Implications |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 7 - Social Movements and Societal Sanitation |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 8 - Ramifications of Cultural Practices : Caste and Sanitation in Rural and Urban India |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 9 - Interventions of Public and Private Agencies on Sanitation in India: An Overview |
Link |
NOC:Sociology and Sanitation: An Introduction |
Lecture 10 - Toilet as a Tool of Change: Exemplifying Sulabh International Social Service Organization |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 1 - 自己紹介/ Self-introduction in business environment - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 2 - Practice and Shitsumon corner(自己紹介/ Self-introduction in business environment) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 3 - ビジネス場面での挨拶 / Greetings in Business Environment - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 4 - Practice and Shitsumon corner(ビジネス場面での挨拶 / Greetings in Business Environment) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 5 - ビジネス場面で依頼をする/ Requests in Business Environment - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 6 - Practice and Shitsumon corner(ビジネス場面で依頼をする/ Requests in Business Environment) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 7 - 許可 を もらう/ Ask and refuse permission - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 8 - Practice and Shitsumon corner(許可 を もらう/ Ask and refuse permission) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 9 - 電話応対 / Attending the phone - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 10 - Practice and Shitsumon corner(電話応対 / Attending the phone) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 11 - 電話:伝言 / Telephone messages - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 12 - Practice and Shitsumon corner(電話:伝言 / Telephone messages) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 13 - 会議 / Formal Meetings - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 14 - Practice and Shitsumon corner(会議 / Formal Meetings) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 15 - メールの書き方 / How to write an Email - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 16 - Practice(メールの書き方 / How to write an Email) - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 17 - 基本のメールの書き方 / Writing Basic Emails and Shitsumon corner |
Link |
NOC:Business Japanese and Business Manner |
Lecture 18 - 履歴書の書き方 / How to write a CV |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Yarn and Fabric Dyeing |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 2 - History of Yarn and Fabric Dyeing in India |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 3 - History of Yarn and Fabric Dyeing and its Relevance |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 4 - Demonstrations - Week 1 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 5 - Variety of Block Printed Textiles and Woodblock Making in the Indian Subcontinent |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 6 - History of Woodblock Making and Printing: Material Evidence |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 7 - Woodblock Making and Block Printing in Southeastern India |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 8 - Demonstrations - Week 2 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 9 - Histories and Centres of Dye and Mordant Painting in India |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 10 - Dye Painted Textiles: Temple Cloth, Utilitarian Textiles and Artistic Expressions |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 11 - Demonstrations - Week 3 |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 12 - Reflections on Sustainability - I |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 13 - Reflections on Sustainability - II |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 14 - Reflections on Sustainability - III |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 15 - Reflections on Sustainability - IV |
Link |
NOC:Threads of Visual Exploration: Textiles and Allied Practices - Part II |
Lecture 16 - Interviews |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 1 - Forms of Strategic Alliance |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 2 - Negotiations and Contractual Aspect |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 3 - Risks and Opportunities |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 4 - Regulatory Issues |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 5 - Implication on Stakeholders |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 6 - Joint Venture [JV] Options |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 7 - Types of Joint Venture [JV] |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 8 - Issues Frequently Arise During JV Negotiation |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 9 - Key Compliance |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 10 - Governing Laws in Cross-Border Transaction |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 11 - Formation of Joint Venture Agreement |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 12 - Governance Issues in Joint Venture |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 13 - Business Plan in Joint Venture |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 14 - Shareholder Agreement in Joint Venture |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 15 - Specific Issues of Share Transfer in Joint Venture |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 16 - Preparation for SPV |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 17 - Formation of SPV |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 18 - Disclosure to be made by SPV |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 19 - Risk Management and SPV |
Link |
NOC:Technology Transfer through Joint Venture |
Lecture 20 - Offset and SPV |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 1 - Why we need a business form for startup |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 2 - How to choose appropriate business form for startup |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 3 - Comparative Analysis of Incorporation Requirement |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 4 - Comparative Analysis of Compliance Cost |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 5 - Other Formalities to Comply |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 6 - Law relating to Partnership and Deed |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 7 - Law relating to LL.P |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 8 - How to Incorporate LL.P |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 9 - Law relating to Co-operative |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 10 - How to Incorporate Co-operative |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 11 - Law Relating to One Person Company |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 12 - Law Relating to Pvt. Ltd. Company |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 13 - Law Relating to Pub. Ltd. Compnay |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 14 - Law Relating to Non-Profit Company |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 15 - How to Incorporate these Companies |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 16 - How to Capitalize the Business |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 17 - Raising fund through Private Equity and Venture Capital |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 18 - Raising fund from Financial Institution |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 19 - Types of Instruments for raising the fund |
Link |
NOC:Legal Compliance for Incorporating Startup |
Lecture 20 - Issue of the Instruments |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 1 - Understanding the Communicative Environment I |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 2 - Understanding the Communicative Environment II |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 3 - What to listen for and why |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 4 - When to speak and how |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 5 - Staring and Sustaining a Conversation |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 6 - What to Present and How - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 7 - What to Present and How - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 8 - Multimedia Presentation : Understanding the Basics |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 9 - Communication Styles |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 10 - Speaking in Groups |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 11 - The World of Visual Culture I |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 12 - Visual Perception |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 13 - The Aural : Its relevance and Impact |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 14 - The Body and the Way It Communicates |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 15 - The Face, Its Expressions and What It Says |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 16 - Building Relationships |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 17 - Understanding Group Dynamics - I |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 18 - Understanding Group Dynamics - II |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 19 - Groups, Conflicts and their Resolution |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 20 - Social Network, Media and Extending Our Identity |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 21 - How Emotionally Mature Are You |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 22 - Improving Your Emotional Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 23 - Empathy |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 24 - Intrapersonal Communication |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 25 - Change Tolerance |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 26 - Creativity : What Does It Mean |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 27 - Creativity : A Detailed Exploration |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 28 - Creativity : Activities Applied |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 29 - Creativity at Workplace |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 30 - Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 31 - Motivating Oneself |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 32 - The Art of Persuasion - I |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 33 - The Art of Persuasion - II |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 34 - From Persuasion to Negotiation |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 35 - Leadership and Motivating Others |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 36 - Managing Time |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 37 - Managing Stress |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 38 - Resilience |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 39 - Work - Life Balance |
Link |
NOC:Soft Skill Development |
Lecture 40 - Applying Soft Skills to Workplace |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 1 - Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 2 - Propositions, Arguments, Components, Basic Characteristics |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 3 - Recognizing arguments, Diagramming logic flow |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 4 - Types of arguments, Deductive, Inductive, different norms to assess arguments |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 5 - Concepts of Validity Soundness, Consistency |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 6 - History of Symbolic Language |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 7 - Propositional Logic: Syntax |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 8 - Connectives, Scope of Connectives |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 9 - Truth-functional Connectives, Propositional Variables, Propositional Constants |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 10 - Symbolization with Connectives |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 11 - Propositional Logic: Semantics Basics of a Truth Table |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 12 - Using Truth Table: Tautology, Contradiction, Contingent Propositions |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 13 - Using Truth Table: Testing Arguments for Validity and Invalidity |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 14 - Shorter Truth Table |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 15 - Using Truth Table: Testing a Set of Propositions for consistency and inconsistency, and for logical equivalence |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Truth Trees |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 17 - Truth Tree Rules and their Application |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 18 - More on Truth-Tree Recovery of Partial Truth - Values |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 19 - Using the Truth Trees |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 20 - More on Truth Trees |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 21 - Formal Proof of Validity |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 22 - Valid Argument Forms: |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 23 - How to Apply the Rules of Inference in a Proof |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 24 - Understanding the Rules |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 25 - Proofs with All Rules |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 26 - Completeness : What it is |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 27 - Indirect Proof |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 28 - Conditional Proof |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 29 - More on Conditional Proof |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 30 - More on Derivations |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 31 - Limitation of Propositional Logic |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 32 - Basic 4 Types of Categorical Propositions |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 33 - Understanding Logical Relations in Standard Form Categorical Propositions |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 34 - Translating Non-Standard Propositions into Standard Form Categorical Propositions |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 35 - Validity and Invalidity of Syllogisms |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 36 - First Order Predicate Logic |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 37 - Quantifiers |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 38 - Scope of a Quantifier Edit Lesson |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 39 - Multiple Quantifiers |
Link |
NOC:Symbolic Logic |
Lecture 40 - Understanding Overlapping Quantifiers Sharing Predicates and Scope |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 1 - Basic of Intellectual Property |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Law |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 3 - Theories of IP |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 4 - Different Forms of IP |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 5 - Different Forms of IP and Applicability of Theory |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 6 - Patent Basic |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 7 - Patent Ability Criteria |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 8 - Non-Patentable Invention |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 9 - Prier-Art Search |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 10 - Patent Filing Procedure |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 11 - Patent Prosecution |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 12 - Patent Prosecution (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 13 - International Patent |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 14 - Patent Infringement |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 15 - Patent Management |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 16 - Utility Model Protection |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 17 - Copyright Basic |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 18 - Copy Right Registration |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 19 - Copyright Infringement and Fair Use |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 20 - Copyright in Digital Media |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 21 - Industrial Design Basic |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 22 - Industrial Design Registration |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 23 - Utility Patent Vs Industrial Design |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 24 - Trademark Basic |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 25 - Trademark Registration |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 26 - Tradmark and Internet |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 27 - Certification Mark and Collective Mark |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 28 - Geographical Indication |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 29 - Economics of GI Edit Lesson |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 30 - Trademark Vs GI Trademark Managment |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 31 - IC Layout Design and Basic |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 32 - IC Layout Design Registration |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 33 - Trade- Secret and Basic |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 34 - Trade-Secret Protection |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 35 - Patent Vs Trade-Secret |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 36 - Plant Variety Protection |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 37 - Bio-diversity |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 38 - Comparative Analysis |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 39 - IP Management |
Link |
NOC:Introduction on Intellectual Property to Engineers and Technologists |
Lecture 40 - Case - Study on IP Management |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 1 - Globalization Definition |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 2 - Global Flows and New Media and Technologies |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 3 - Globalization and Nation |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 4 - Rise of Global Capitalism |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 5 - Cultural Imperialism |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 6 - Global Monocultures |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 7 - Birth of Asian Kool |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 8 - Bhangra Reinvention |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 9 - Disorienting Bhangra |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 10 - The Body of Dance |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 11 - World Music I - Tabla |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 12 - World Music II - Qawwali |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 13 - World Music III - Baul |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 14 - Is Chutney the New Rage |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 15 - Bollywood Song and Dance |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 16 - Planet Bollywood |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 17 - Bollywood at Large |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 18 - Bollywood Assemblages - Part I |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 19 - Bollywood Assemblages - Part II |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 20 - Bollywood's Soft Power |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 21 - Travels of Dastan |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 22 - Scripting the Nation |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 23 - Cracking the Nation |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 24 - Narrating and Interrogating the Nation |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 25 - Cosmopolitans the Borderless World |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 26 - Orientalism |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 27 - Yoga, Meditation, Gurus |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 28 - Beatles, Ravi Shankar and Sitar |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 29 - Orientalizing India |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 30 - Neoorientalism |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 31 - The Birth of Indo-Chic |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 32 - Henna, Bindi, Saris and Bangles |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 33 - The Taste of Curry |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 34 - Global News |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 35 - News as Infortainment |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 36 - Global Media Cultures |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 37 - Cultural Imperialism |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 38 - Contraflows in Global Media |
Link |
NOC:Globalization and Culture |
Lecture 39 - Contraflows in News and Entertainment |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 1 - Introduction |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 2 - The Qualitative Researcher |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 3 - Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 4 - History of Qualitative Research |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 5 - The Process of Qualitative Research |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 6 - Dominant Paradigms of Qualitative Research |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 7 - Interpretivist Thinking |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 8 - Verstehen |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 9 - Constructivism |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 10 - Properties of Constructions |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 11 - Constructivism-Sub Paradigms |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 12 - Criticisms of Interpretivism and Constructivism |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 13 - Critical Theory |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 14 - Characteristics of Critical Theory |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 15 - Critiques of Critical Theory |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 17 - Qualitative Research Design |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 18 - Qualitative Research Design (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 19 - Ethnography |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 20 - Autoethnography |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 21 - Case Studies |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 22 - Case Studies (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 23 - Analyzing Interpretive Practice |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 24 - Analyzing Interpretive Practice (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 25 - Grounded Theory |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 26 - Grounded Thoery (Continued...) |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 27 - Participatory Action Research |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 28 - Participatory Action Research (Continued...) |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 29 - Observation |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 30 - Interviewing |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 31 - Interviewing (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 32 - Interpretation of Documents and Material Culture |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 33 - Autoethnography, Personal Narrative and Reflexivity |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 34 - Analyzing Visual Data |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 35 - Analyzing Talk and Text |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 36 - Data Management and Analysis Methods |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 37 - Data Management and Analysis Methods (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 38 - Software and Qualitative Research |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 39 - The Problem of Criteria |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 40 - Interpretation |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 41 - Writing |
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NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 42 - Writing (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 43 - Understanding Social Programs through Evaluation |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 44 - Understanding Social Programs through Evaluation (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 45 - IInfluencing the Policy Progress with Qualitative Research |
Link |
NOC:Qualitative Research Methods |
Lecture 46 - Conclusion |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to EI and Related Concepts |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to EI and Related Concepts (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 3 - Introduction to EI and Related Concepts (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 4 - Introduction to EI and Related Concepts (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 5 - Introduction to Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 6 - Meaning, Nature, Scope, Types of Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 7 - Measurement of Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 8 - Applications |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 9 - Discovery of Emotional Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 10 - Meaning, Nature Theory |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 11 - Measurement of EI |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 12 - Difference Between EQ and IQ |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 13 - EQ Assessment |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 14 - EQ and Empathy |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 15 - EQ and Resilience |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 16 - EQ and Health and Wellbeing |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 17 - EQ Map |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 18 - EQ Map (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 19 - EQ Map (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 20 - EQ Map (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 21 - Emotional Intelligence in Education |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 22 - Evaluation of EQ for Students |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 23 - EI New Vision for Learning |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 24 - EQ Skills for Students Success |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 25 - EI in Health and Well Being |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 26 - EI in Health and Well Being (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 27 - EI and Cultural Adjustment |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 28 - EI at Work |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 29 - Emotional Intelligence and Happiness Positive Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 30 - Emotional Intelligence and Happiness Positive Psychology (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 31 - Emotional Intelligence and Happiness Positive Psychology (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 32 - Emotional Intelligence and Happiness Positive Psychology (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 33 - Emotional Intelligence and Leadership |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 34 - Emotional Intelligence an Leadership (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 35 - Emotional Intelligence an Leadership (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 36 - Emotional Intelligence an Leadership (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 37 - Culture and Emotion |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 38 - Role of EI |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 39 - Cultural Intelligence |
Link |
NOC:Emotional Intelligence |
Lecture 40 - Emotional Intelligence for Cross Cultural Adaptability |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 1 - Introduction, The Art of Speakihg |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 2 - Encoding Meaning Using Verbal and Nonverbal Symbols |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 3 - Encoding Meaning Using Verbal Symbols |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 4 - The Power of words |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 5 - Cross Cultural Factors in Communication Verbal and Nonverbal |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 6 - Metacommunication: Nature, Function and Types of Nonverbal Communication - I |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 7 - Metacommunication: Nature, Function and Types of Nonverbal Communication - II |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 8 - How to Improve Body Language I - Eye Communication, Facial Expression, Gesture Posture and Movements |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 9 - How to Improve Body Language II - Dress and Appearance Paralanguage |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 10 - Role Plays and Activities |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 11 - Politics of English |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 12 - Concept of Standard Language |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 13 - Sounds of English: Vowels |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 14 - Sounds of English: Diphthongs and Consonants |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 15 - Stress and Rhythm |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 16 - Speaking Voice |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 17 - Speaking Delivery |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 18 - How to Improve Voice |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 19 - How to Improve Delivery |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 20 - Conversation Skills |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 21 - Conversation Skills (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 22 - Conversation Skills (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 23 - Conversation Skills (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 24 - Conversation Skills (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 25 - Planning a Presentation |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 26 - How to Get Over Your Fear of Speaking and Take Control |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 27 - Delivering a Presentation |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 28 - Language of Presentation |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 29 - Analysis of a Presentation |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 30 - How to Lead a Meeting |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 31 - How to Contribute Effectively to a Meeting |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 32 - How to Speak Effectively in Meetings |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 33 - Meetings, Behaviour and Roles |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 34 - Role Play: Meeting |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 35 - Different Kind of Interviews |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 36 - Preparing for an Interview |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 37 - How to Face an Interview |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 38 - How to Speak in an Interview |
Link |
NOC:Speaking Effectively |
Lecture 39 - Role Play |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 1 - History and Origin of Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 2 - Establishing Psychology as a Science |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 3 - Establishing Psychology as a Science (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 4 - A New Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 5 - Structuralism and Beyond |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 6 - Herman Ebbinghaus on Memory |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 7 - Reconstruction of an Automobile Destruction - An Example of the Interactin between Language and Memory |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 8 - Emotionality and Perceptual Defence |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 9 - Festinger's Cognitive Dissonance Theory |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 10 - Milgram's Study on Obedience |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 11 - Case Studies and Experiments in Clinical and Health Psychology |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 12 - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 13 - A Case of Multiple Personality |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 14 - The Story of Dibs |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 15 - On Being Sane in Insane Places |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 16 |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 17 |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 18 |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 19 |
Link |
NOC:Great Experiments in Psychology |
Lecture 20 |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 1 - Introduction to HRD |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 2 - Introduction to HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 3 - Introduction to HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 4 - Introduction to HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 5 - Introduction to HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 6 - The Context of HRD |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 7 - The Context of HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 8 - The Context of HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 9 - The Context of HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 10 - The Context of HRD (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 11 - HRD Process - I |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 12 - HRD Process - I (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 13 - HRD Process - I (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 14 - HRD Process - I (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 15 - HRD Process - I (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 16 - HRD Process - II |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 17 - HRD Process - II (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 18 - HRD Process - II (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 19 - HRD Process - II (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 20 - HRD Process - II (Continued...) |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 21 - Coaching |
Link |
NOC:Human Resource Development |
Lecture 22 - Coaching (Continued...) |